As Crow stepped into the inn, Penelope met him halfway and leaned in as he kissed her, meeting his lips briefly. She looked up at him and nodded her head. "Yes. You still need to recover a bit more." She insisted giving his hand a small squeeze. In truth, she was rather tempted at the idea of sleeping next to him again despite the risk since they would only have one more night together before they had to split it up. It would only be for a week but she would still miss him. "Come on, we should go to the room." She said, feeling a bit tired. The drowsiness she had been fighting off during the day was now coming back and much stronger than before after a full day of traveling yet again. She let out a small yawn and then turned to lead the way down the hall to where their room was located and stepped inside. William had once again taken the bed near the door and left the two remaining ones open for them. She stepped further inside before turning to kiss Crow on the cheek. "Good night." She mumbled to him before letting go of his hand and walking over to the middle bed. The female knight stretched, feeling stiff from all the riding they had done. She sat down on the edge of her bed and proceeded to take off her boots before laying back on the bed. She closed her eyes, tempted to just fall asleep where she landed on the bed. A bit hesitantly she moved to curl up on the bed and throw the blanket over herself. More comfortable now, the knight began to drift off to sleep.