[quote=@caliban22] [hider=WIP CS][hr] [color=Silver][i][/i][/color][hr][img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/a5/f8/94/a5f894704f7e7d0ab5190c7b622e10a2--character-design-anime-guys.jpg[/img] [color=Gold][b]Name[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Dominic James Silva[/color] [color=Gold][b]Gender[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Male[/color] [color=Gold][b]Age[/b][/color] [color=Silver] 17 September 19th, 1898[/color] [color=Gold][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] [color=Silver]heterosexual[/color] [color=Gold][b]Race[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Born in Calif, United states of vinland[/color] [hr] [color=Gold][b]Appearance[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Dominic stands at six feet two inches and is in great physical shape. In his uniform the only real identifying marks he uses is a Charcoal grey scarf to cover his mouth on cold nights and a vinland flag, on his right shoulder sleeve. [/color] [color=Gold][b]Height[/b][/color] [color=Silver]6 feet[/color] [color=Gold][b]Personality[/b][/color] [color=Silver] Dominic is like man boys from his country. From a young age he was taught the difference between right and wrong along with what it meant to be a man. dominic was raised to refer to his elders as sir or ma’am, to take his cap off in doors, To women Dominic was brought up to be chivalrous and with children Dominic was raised to be gentle. The biggest trait Dominic has is his views on doing what is right. Weather its defending some who is being picked on or Enlisting to serve values he believes are worth dying for. While Dominic enlisted to go fight for the federation, it wasn’t without moral dilemmas. Dominic is terrified of what could happen to him. Dominic knows full well that he could die, or lose a limb. Even if he survives the war, there was no guarantee Dominic would come home without being effected. even with all the worries he had, he views it as a necessary sacrifice. [/color] [hr] [color=Gold][b]Rank[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Private[/color] [color=Gold][b]Role[/b][/color] [color=Silver]rifleman[/color] [color=Gold][b]Equipment[/b][/color] [color=silver] SM-Longfield Rifle, Standard issue bayonet, Federation uniform. Photos of friends and loved ones [/color] [color=Gold][b]Potentials[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Hate filled: The rage of losing his best friend drives him to do sometimes cruel acts towards the enemy. Sentimental: Dominic often looks at photos and letters from friends and family when things get rough, to help him keep going. Born soldier: Dominic takes his job seriously, ensuring his gear and supply is up to the task. Patriot: Dominic believes in the worth of their cause, he is willing to die. Torchbearer: The stories and the sacrifice of his name sake has opfften guided him to do what he believes is right, regardless of what happens to him. [/color] [hr] [color=Gold][b]Biography[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Dominic was born outside the small seaside city of Calif, on the western coast of Vinland, Dominic’s father ran a small ranch, after his retirement from the military Diego was in need of a way to keep him busy and have some income the supplement his retirement income. Life was fairly simple, helping his father work and learning what it meant to be a hard working man. Growing up Dominic would beg his father to tell him stories from his time in the military. Dominic’s favorite stories were always the ones of his father and his buddy Dominic,his name sake and a man the young boy revered. The two always seemed to survive the everything during the various “military actions” his father saw. The one thing that was a constant was how his father carried a photo of his mother through it all, often pulling it out to show him the “battle scars” of being with him on deployment. As a young boy Dominic would always be found playing army with his friend Jasmine sinclair and Benjamin Carmine. Life was so simple, The three would run various raids on make believe enemy camp’s being awarded medals that they made out of various bits of trash. The proudest award Dominic was awarded was the “medal of Braveness, for helping Ben raid the enemy camp for sweets.” If they were lucky, Dominic elder sister Alejandra would make appearances often helping lead glorious charges on her mounted cavalry winning the war for Vinland. Life was simple for Dominic with school and his childish whimsy broken up by the Work dominic did with his father on their ranch.it wasn’t until dominic’s 15th year, during the first year of the war. The only thing on Dominic’s mind was enlisting. Sadly he had to wait till he was 17, per his father's orders, like his sister before him. Dominic remembered that night clearly with curiosity. During school days, Alejandra meet him after class and walk home with him and the two would talk about their respective days. That day she was nearly an hour late, arriving quiet and lost in thought. As they arrived home and headed up the front steps she stopped Dominic and said “Remember Dom I love you so much and no matter what happens just remember I love you” before giving him a big long hug and than enter their house. Later that night around the dinner table She gave the news. “I’ve enlisted in the Army.” The statement silenced the entire room. not even the crickets outside made noise. After a moment of silence Dominic’s mother simply said “No...and That's that” before standing up and leaving the room. After a moment of silence Diego stood and gently with a forced smile asked Dominic to take his sister and go up to their rooms. As dominic ascended the steps with his sister in toe, he expected a lot of yelling and screaming. But to his surprise there was nothing, After an hour or some Alejandra came up stairs with plates of their now cold dinner. Later that night Diego called his son into his study. “Dominic..my son… I know you want to enlist… I understand the call to serve...its what drove me to enlist so many years ago… but as parents Your mother and I can’t send two of our children off to war…” he said, barely able to keep his voice even. “I know that I won’t be able to keep you from enlisting at 17… but at least wait until you are 17.” In a few weeks following the conversation Alejandra left for basic training, soon after Benjamin enlisted and shipped off for Basic. Dominic would write weekly letters to both of them , keeping them appraised of life back home. The letters were often filled with promises of him joining them soon and how things would be after the fighting.Now all alone Dominic worked around his father's ranch, keeping up with newspapers about the front, taking note of familiar names and making sure to try and say a prayer for as many as he could. it was during one of these weekly counts that Dominic found a name he had prayed he would never have to see in the paper this way. Near the top of the list that week was Benjamin Carmine. Later that same day The final Letter from Benjamin arrived. This crushed him as attended his best friend funeral, meeting Private Thomas Alderman, The man who Benjamin spent his last few hours with before getting killed by an Imperial rifleman. a few weeks later on Dominic was called into his father's study by his mother. Diego called his son into his study once more. Diego sat with a box smack dab in the room when Dominic entered. Diego said one thing “remember the stories I told you of Uncle Dominic and I?” before pulling out a yellow and faded photo. On it two young men dressed in well ironed and pressed uniforms stood together smiling. One was clearly his father, barely older than Dominic was now. “That's him...That is the man you are named after… We were best friends growing up, we did everything together… He was killed during some fight in the south…” Diego said with a shaky voice. “I left my best friend lying in a pool of blood Dominic… its thanks to Him I survived and got married. He gave his life for me to live on…. I still see his face when I close my eyes… You have no idea how many times I wish I could have stayed with him and died lying there next to him…” For a half an hour Diego sat there recounting the last moments of his Best friend's life before asking “Are you prepared to die for those next to you? or have people you care about dying for you?” The realities of war had crossed his mind many times, he knew that war wasn’t like those childrens games he used to play.He understood the very real reality that he could very well never come back, or if he did he would never be the same person. But he come to a decision. “Father I won’t lie to you...I am terrified that when I go over I won’t be coming back. That you and Mother will get a knock on the door one day with a folded flag, god forbid two...But you once told me… Courage is not the absence of fear...but acting in opposition to that fear… I will enlist because I know it’s right and that I can’t have others fight a war that I can fight myself.” Three weeks later Dominic was off to Basic training with the MOS of Infantry. During Basic training Dominic learned a number of things while at basic. How to march,shoot,stab, and follow orders. After the 13 weeks of basic training and eight weeks of infantry training Dominic was sent to a reserve unit until Dominic was assigned to a Federation unit at the front. Having only just arrived two days before he was sent to front line reserve trenches.[/color] [color=Gold][b]Affiliations[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Father: Diego alexio Silva (38) Former Army retired, soft spoken man who values honesty and “the traits of men”. Dominic has the highest respect for the man, Mother: Isabella Maria Martinez-Silva (36) loving mother and gentle though often a terror if you went against her wishes Sister: Alexa mariaSilva (16)younger sister and reservist rifleman in vinland military, Currently on garrison in Calif as part of the 123rd Reservist division. Dominic is proud of her. Elder sister: Alejandra Isabella Silva (19) active duty sniper, Dominic’s favorite currently overseas with the 22nd Vinland infantry division, Marksman. Brother: Jose Silva (1) just a baby not much to him, likes milk, poops a lot and is kind of pudgy. Friend: Anthony Jenkins (17) Friend from Basic training. Currently waiting to be deployed. Jasmine Sinclair(17): dating/ enlisted in the Vinland home guard. Benjamin Carmine(17 at time of death): Best friend ,killed during an offensive with the 22nd infantry division during the second year of the war. [/color] [color=Gold][b]Relationships[/b][/color] [color=Silver]This is how they view other characters throughout the story. This will be updated as major changes in their involvement and view of one another is expanded. Most changes will be listed from experiences out of combat, but some can occur from within their combat positioning out in the field. They can become rivals, hating on one another, romantic couples or simply comrades in arms.[/color] [color=Gold][b]Character Theme[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Not necessary, but can be used if wished.[/color] [/hider] [/quote] Content wise, it's good. There still are a bit of a few grammatical errors but I'm sure that can be fixed in due time.