[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8a/fa/b1/8afab17a1c054b5c8d8c9ce5ab8f3534.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Mia Chandler[/b] [i]Brerratic General[/i] Age : 47 Bio/Personality: A well known Brerratic general who rose to power through her many military achievements. She’s a very powerful and intelligent woman that the king holds great respect for as she runs a section of his military. Despite her older age, she’s full of energy and a bit unpredictable as she has a large sense of humor and a strange set of morals. She’s very good at planning and strategizing but does have an impulsive streak. If her heart and head are at odds, she’s more likely to ditch both and do what her gut tells her. She’s also not very concerned about the inner conflicts of her kingdom and isn’t one to waste time with chasing after criminals. Instead, Mia likes to focus on outside threats, even deeming that they’re the thing that brings people closer than anything else. Upon receiving word that they would be going to war, Mia was soon informed that she’d be leading a battalion to war on the Younis border. She was quick to enlist Penelope as part of her army, offering her a higher position as one of her lieutenants. [/center]