With a scream of anger Emmett punched the wall in his room. [color=ed1c24]"How could I have let this happen, she doesn't deserve this. Juniper I will find you and bring you back"[/color] Emmett began thinking about his next move would be to find her, and a thought comes to mind. There is one person he is familiar with but not someone he likes seeing let alone asking for a favor from. Looks like we will have to see Kline... oldest of my brothers. Kline was the worst of his brothers and sister. Emmett was the youngest of the children and was the smallest. When it was beating time Kline was usually who Emmett feared most, even more then his parents. Kline not only physically beat him but mentally also. Out of all his family Valentine was the nicest, she even tried to stick up for Emmett and hated when the other kids beat Emmett. However Emmett has not heard from nor seen any of his siblings besides Kline, however Juniper is more important then anything hes been through. From the stories Emmett has herd about Naefario, Juniper is in for some serious trouble. Knowing that Ursa was in way worse condition then he was he went to go make sure everything was okay, and to also tell her his plan about how they were going to get on board about saving Juniper..He knew he wouln'd have to convince anyone so that part is easy, where they were going on the other hand not so much. [color=ed1c24]"Hey Ursa, how you holding up?"[/color] Emmett spoke to Ursa after she got some rest and recovery. [color=ed1c24]"listen about Juniper.. I know how we can find her. I have a reliable source but they are located on the planet Deianira in the Eidera System.. I know it sounds bad but its our only hope. I am not gonna force any one to go, so if you choose not to it would be a big help to leave me as close as you can. But if everyone is going.. I dont want anyone else involved in the conversation, no offense to anyone, its just.. they can be how do you say.. they can be a real asshole way more then you and you know I say that with love."[/color] Emmett says with concern in his voice as he stares off in to space ( or so to speak). Emmett knew no one would get along with Kline, so it's best if he goes alone so no one else can get hurt.