[quote=@LeeRoy] [@Wayward] That's one issue, but the tiering has always caused it to break apart. Different groups have different measurements for tiers because there's no unified tier system. So, two people who believe they're in the same tier will get into a fight. Let's say they're high tier. One believes that a high tier is a city buster, another believes that a high tier is a world buster. Obviously the difference in scope is noticeable from the start, but the two of them agree either due to a lack of system or due to a lack of reading the other's sheets. So, they get into an argument immediately, and this continues until every single participant is arguing more than they're actually playing. [/quote] Lately I've been drifting away from using a concrete tier list in favor of simply defining, largely on a per-battle basis, a set of parameters for the feats a character would be capable of. Setting a bar for measures of athleticism, what sort of potency, power, and effect range things like magic and such have, and so on. Tier lists tend to not be defined enough in that regard, and you'd need well over 20 tiers to really encompass the range of power scaling possible. The exception to this is, of course, if you were looking to outright ban the usage of characters over a certain range of power (EG - Nothing more powerful than planet-busting levels of power permitted); mind you the aspect of effect range would encompass what a character is capable of at their maximum possible effort, not what they can casually do.