[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/FMbiAoo.png[/img] [color=red][b]|| Akira Kurusu || Day Three - Morning || Boo's Castle || WC: 391 || Level 2 || || Six [@Majoras End], The Heavy [@ONL], Slayer [@Lugubrious] ||[/b][/color] [b][color=red]Experience:[/color] [color=red]|||||||||||||||||[/color]||| ([color=red]17[/color]/20)[/b] [/center] Akira's landing could have been better, but with both of his hands occupied with a torch and his trusty dagger, he could only tumble to the ground with his elbows before using the momentum to bring himself back up to a standing position. Turning to see the fruits of his labor, Akira could barely hide the smirk gracing his features at what they managed to accomplish. Much like how he followed up after their leader, Heavy came up after him and lastly, but most definitely not the least, Six dealt a devastating blow to the white blob of a ghost, part of its body fazing out in the process. It was pretty obvious at that point what they needed to do to end this, the little one being their most important weapon to success. Slayer's call on keeping up the pressure brought Akira back to real time, taking a quick breath before sprinting forward to catch up with the king of ghosts, who was pushed father away because of the vampire. An idea quickly formed in the raven haired teen's head as he returned his dagger back into his cloak and instead grabbed the intense torch with both hands. Utilizing the momentum he managed to keep up, Akira slid across the slightly crumbled floor, the heels of his boots skidding across smoothly, only stopping himself once he was directly underneath the king. Practically shoving the torch into the ground, Akira gritted his teeth as if he were in pain, his body curling up underneath the incorporeal being as Arsene became more and more visible behind him. The persona stared at his companion for a brief moment, the physically broken but mentally in tack chains that connected them floating ominously in the air, before moving close, his wings covering the teenager and the torch from view. However the later only disappeared for a second as Akria's voice prompted the flames to erupt. [color=red][b]"Eiha!"[/b][/color] He shouted, the blue flame turned into black and gray darkness and expanded like a campfire, making the king Boo his marshmallow. Keeping him still would be the best option for the Heavy and Six, Akira thought, seeing as they were more on the long range side of things. Hopefully the others could finish this soon or else he won't be able to hopefully hold him still any longer.