[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=f7976a]Vera Munn[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://ic.pics.livejournal.com/war_machine_rox/9981539/385341/385341_600.gif[/img][hr][b][color=f7976a]Location:[/color][/b] Docks - The Ferry (Main Deck) [b][color=f7976a]Skills:[/color][/b] History (Ancient Egypt), Mythology (Ancient Egypt)[hr][/center] Vera thought on the question a moment, as to why the two were linked. [color=f7976a]"Well the similarities are no doubt there. Both are the daughter of each mythos' central God. Ra and Zeus respectively. Both are said to be a deity over women, children. Both never to wed or have children of their own but these are very broad generalizations. It would be as if to say that since Myself and Miss Clark here are in Egypt at the same time on this boat we should be twins. It is rather preposterous. Especially if you were to look at the generational linage between the two. We would have to begin with Ra, for in this we find the lynch pin to remove the similarities. Ra is a child of Nun, the first in Egyptian Mythos. While Zeus, is separated from Gaia by two generations. This alone would set Bastet and her actual siblings on even comparison with Zeus and his siblings, and Artemis and Apollo would be more compared with Geb and Nut."[/color] Vera sat up more in her seat and shrugged a bit as she stirred a cup of tea. Refreshments provided on the table for the guests. [color=f7976a]"Oh yes, I do hope so. I am most excited to be able to finally see this dig site, I would hate to have to put it off a single moment longer than needed,"[/color] Vera said towards Lauren in a wistful voice before she noticed her uncle had come over with Mr. Benaszewski. She was about to say they were welcome to join in and have a seat, there was plenty of room after all but she found herself slightly tongue tied and then the sound of [b][i]Lord Major[/i][/b] ripped through the scene and she jumped slightly in her seat. Hitting her spoon against the edge of her cup and sending it right towards George. It hitting the tin side of his mask and then clanking against the table. [color=f7976a]"Oh my... did I do that?..."[/color] she said sheepishly as her face went beet red. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=598527]George Benaszewski[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lcegspLyZW1qbykh3o1_500.gif[/img][hr][b][color=598527]Location:[/color][/b] Docks - The Ferry (Main Deck) [b][color=598527]Skills:[/color][/b] Observation[hr][/center] Hearing his sister, George coughed a bit and glanced over to with his single eye. His sister did always have a way with words and there was a bit if a smirk from beneath his mask. He hadn't been expecting her but he had to admit that it was nice to have a familiar face near by, someone he could be open with fully and even take his mask off around when it would just be the two of them. He did not think he would be able to do that for many months to come. Gene was one of the few people at the time that he could fully relax around. Perhaps the only one at that moment now that Peter was gone. Yet even with those thoughts his attention stayed on Vera, watching her and actually more listening to her as he glanced from time to time around the main deck of the ship. It seemed they were nearly ready to go s the engines began to get a bit louder and the steam from the stacks thickened above them several decks up. He stood there quietly, listening, taking a glance around. He should have known better than to take his one good eye off Vera. Even when he heard the [b][i]Lord Major![/i][/b] cut through all the noise as if it had been a dead silent room. Then he felt the small ting against the tin mask and looked back over to see what had happened. Looking down he picked up the spoon as the boat finally began to pull out of the harbor and make its way up the Nile. He turned the spoon over a few times before looking over at Vera and seeing she was red as can be. [color=598527]"Mmm, glad I wear armor,"[/color] he said as he set the spoon down over by her tea cup and then smiled at her. [color=598527]"You have remarkable aim mmmm,"[/color] he added with a laugh.