[hider=Burned Hill Brunhillde][h3][color=f49ac2]Burned Hill Brunhillde[/color][/h3] [hider=Appearance][img]https://archive-media-0.nyafuu.org/c/image/1513/06/1513062850549.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ea/8d/02/ea8d02def0ab9a25ffdfa8ca2abf1348--fantasy-dwarf-fantasy-rpg.jpg[/img] Apperance, imagine the face and overal personality in the first image on the body of the second image.[/hider] [hr] [color=f49ac2]Name:[/color] Gao YiRen [color=f49ac2]Character name:[/color] Burned Hill Brunhillde [color=f49ac2]Age:[/color] 42 [color=f49ac2]Gender:[/color] Female [color=f49ac2]Level:[/color] 100 [color=f49ac2]Race:[/color] Dwarf [color=f49ac2]Class:[/color][indent]- Lvl 15 Alchemist - Lvl 15 Armor Smith - Lvl 10 Blacksmith - Lvl 12 Craftsman - Lvl 13 Item Smith - Lvl 10 Merchant - Lvl 10 Rune Smith - Lvl 15 Weapon Smith[/indent] [hr] [color=f49ac2]Personality:[/color] Quiet and pleasant, but a bit of a know-it-all, YiRen is used to people not sharing her interests and has learned to keep her nerdy tendencies to herself, even in the game. She finds her calling in being helpful to others so the Ardent Heralds (who had helped her level in the past) became the natural guild for her to join. More curious about the world of Yggdrasil as a physics simulator, YiRen spends her free time in the game pushing the boundaries, while her responsibilities to the Guild are item crafting, equipment customization, and fine tuning NPC's. She can sometimes get overly enthusiastic when it comes to upgrading or 'pimping out' her comrades, and has a surprising obsession with moral philosophy and all things mecha. [color=f49ac2]Background:[/color] As a kid, YiRen was the kind of 'fat, ugly, anti-social girl' that people typically believe would escape into online games because the real world had nothing but disdain for them. Now she is an unmarried woman in her early forties, considered by many to be 'unmarriageable'. She had always been book-smart with poor EQ. She got an IT job at a big company and has been stuck in corporate hell ever since. Finding too much judgment from others in face-to-face interactions, YiRen escaped into games, where she could let her creativity and curiosity flow freely. Inspired by certain gamers recreating 'video screens' and 'calculators' in the open-world sandbox game, "Digcraft", YiRen sought out Yggdrasil, which was notorious for its open-ended customization. Choosing a dwarf avatar as an acceptance of her own body-type, YiRen wasn't ready for how competitive the game was and simply wished to build things. Fortunately, someone from the Ardent Heralds helped her through her early levels, and it wasn't long until she joined as chief architect thanks to her willingness to dive into the code of the game to give her fellow guildmates exactly what they wanted with their items and NPC's. In return, she was allowed to do whatever she wanted in her forge. Over the years, she has (thanks to AFK bots) transcribed a great many scientific texts into the guild library in her continuing quest to push the limits of the Yggdrasil physics simulator. [color=f49ac2]Items:[/color][list] [*][color=f49ac2]Magneto Gauntlets[/color] - Relic Class Item - Each gauntlet of the pair is forged from five "Rings of Animate Weapon", together they grant Brunhillde ten simultaneous charges of the spell "Animate Weapon". [*][color=f49ac2]The Iron Throne[/color] - Relic Class Item - A Merchant Class special item known as a 'wheelbarrow' that allows the merchant to use the special ability 'vend' and sell the wares contained in the cart. The Iron Throne was crafted with pieces from the entire "Juggernaut" armor set, each piece being incredibly heavy, and the set bonus giving the wearer armor and magical defense based on the wearer's total weight, in this case, it applies the weight of the wheelbarrow contents as well. [*][color=f49ac2]Various high-level magical weapons[/color] - Class varies - Stored in her cart or backpack, Brunhillde generally fights with these, typically animating 'elemental' attribute weapons to target her opponent's specific weaknesses, though she does have the occasional weapon with unusual 'utility' abilities. [/list] [color=f49ac2]Abilities/skills:[/color][list] [*][color=f49ac2]Animate Weapon[/color] - Turns any single weapon Brunhillde possesses into a 'summon' with a level equivalent to the weapon's level. The level of the Animated Weapon must be a minimum of five levels lower than her. [*][color=f49ac2]Ride Cart[/color] - Allows Brunhillde to ride her cart for a quick burst of speed for a short period of time. The skill can be prematurely ended with "Collide Cart". [*][color=f49ac2]Collide Cart[/color] - Prematurely ends "Ride Cart" by colliding with an enemy, dealing physical damage based on the weight of the contents of the cart as well as the weight of the rider. [*][color=f49ac2]Forge Magical Item[/color] - Brunhillde has filled her library with various crafting recipes from throughout Yggdrasil, and given the correct materials and enough time, can craft Top Class items or lower with ease, Legacy Class items and higher require a much greater time investment and involve extremely rare materials. [*][color=f49ac2]Repurpose Magical Item[/color] - Brunhillde has unlocked the ability to use magical items as materials to make other items, transferring their special traits the the resultant item. This gives her the ability to create highly customized, high-level items for herself and her allies. [/list] [color=f49ac2]Themes:[/color][indent][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0QVpDxaQfI[/youtube] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRsl0yvKKlY[/youtube][/indent] [/hider] [hider=Mythos Biblios Omniac][h3][color=a187be]Mythos Biblios Omniac[/color][/h3] [hider=Appearance] Mythos Biblios Omniac is a gigantic mechanical Atlas Beetle whose three horns act like three prongs of a tuning fork. Omniac is a slight off-white with teal and red accents Unable to get the axact image I want, I included below a few inspiration images: [img]https://comps.canstockphoto.com/tropical-rainforest-beetle-stock-image_csp5627756.jpg[/img] [img]https://img.amiami.jp/images/product/main/173/FIGURE-031792.jpg[/img] [img]https://androidarts.com/mml/reaverbot_sniper_quad.jpg[/img] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/megaman/images/6/6e/CM_SilverHornConcept.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/635?cb=20110326035435[/img] [/hider] [hr] [color=a187be]Character Name:[/color] Mythos Biblios Omniac [color=a187be]Gender:[/color] N/A [color=a187be]Level:[/color] 88 [color=a187be]Race:[/color] Heteromorphic[indent]- Lvl 15 Magitech Construct - Lvl 15 Swarm Lord[/indent][color=a187be]Class:[/color][indent]- Lvl 15 Bard - Lvl 15 Summoner - Lvl 15 Hierophant - Lvl 15 General [/indent] [hr] [color=a187be]Background:[/color] Omniac was Brunhillde's foray into testing the limits of NPC AI. She wanted to see just how far she could push the in-game coding. Deciding to be helpful, Brunhillde created Omniac as a librarian to manage the knowledge that she was compiling in the game and as an assistant at the forge. Eventually, Omniac was adapted to be a 'raid boss'-style guild hall guardian, complete with adds. Omniac was created with a stereotypical 'AI' personality, having little understanding, and even less interest in 'humanity' and 'emotions', and does on occasion exhibit HAL 9000 and Skynet-like qualities, expressing how much more 'efficient' AI would be at running the world. Still, this criticism is mostly directed outward at non-guild members as Omniac is intensely loyal. [color=a187be]Items:[/color][list] [*][color=a187be]Cymatic Tricorn[/color] - Omniac's horns were forged from three high-level bardic instruments, The Timpani of Tremors, Apollonius Lyre, and Horn of the Endless Song. Together, they give Omniac mastery over three phenomena that are scientifically classified as waves: Light, Sound, and Gravity, which Omniac uses for basic attacks, buffs for allies, debuffs for enemies, and its signature, notoriously difficult to dodge area of effect spells that follow [url=https://www.google.com/search?q=cymatic&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS585US585&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiN49rx27ncAhURE3wKHaOoCdkQ_AUICygC&biw=1920&bih=930]cymatic patterns[/url] and [url=https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS585US585&biw=1920&bih=974&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=XCVYW8bCNYeN0gLE-KCYBw&q=diffraction+pattern&oq=diffraction+pattern&gs_l=img.3..0l10.3444.5525.0.5861.]diffraction patterns[/url]. [*][color=a187be]Magitech Forge[/color] - Nestled within Omniac's abdomen, Omniac uses this device whenever it has spare mana to create more members of its swarm, tiny simplified versions of itself that, when positioned properly, are used to amplify its wave-based attacks, similar to how speaker placement or concert hall architecture are key for musical performances. [*][color=a187be]Eye of the AllFather[/color] - This allows Omniac to control its swarm and see through their eyes. The reconnaissance of the swarm is often the first line of defense for the Ardent Herald's Guild Hall. [/list] [color=a187be]Abilities/skills:[/color][list] [*][color=a187be]Harmonic Dowsing[/color] - While none of Omniac's attacks are particularly damaging, if it can get three hits on a single target by any means, whether through a physical strike, a ranged spell, or an attack by one of its swarm, it is able to triangulate the 'resonant frequency' of the target. It then switches to 'resonant mode' where all its future attacks are now tuned to that frequency, dealing significanty more damage. [*][color=a187be]Symphony[/color] - Buffs allies' weapons with 'resonant frequency', increasing their damage to the 'dowsed' target. [*][color=a187be]Basic Light-based Bard Spells[/color] [*][color=a187be]Basic Air/Sound-based Bard Spells[/color] [*][color=a187be]Basic Gravity-based Bard Spells[/color] [/list] [color=a187be]Theme:[/color][indent][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXVtpOHQqvY[/youtube] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kOjXM0sH84[/youtube][/indent] [/hider]