[center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/berserk/images/5/57/BTCG-Skull_Knight-OI.png/revision/latest?cb=20170930084349[/img][/center] [center][i]"It is natural for the old world to resist the coming of the new."[/i][/center] [hr] Alexander would've squinted at the disguised elf is he still had eyelids to do that. Her question of what he was talking about was a very valid question, but Alexander had no reasonable means to answer that question. Thankfully, he didn't have to, as he was asked another question, one which had a much more reasonable answer. Alexander made a deliberate choice to not answer the disguised elfs question just yet, and instead answered the question of the young man first. "I have not directly had anything to do with your shadow sprite problem. A new day is coming for this world, and if you wish to survive you had best be ready to rise and meet it." The latter half of Alexander's cryptic statement was directed to both of them, and was a sufficient answer, in Alexander's view, to the question asked previously by the elf. Alexander was pondering what exactly was taking the monsters so long to come again when another voice called to them. Alexander turned his horse around on the spot to face the newcomer. A dwarf with robotic servants was approaching them. Alexander regarded the robotic servants as peculiar, but reminded himself that he had been gone for some time. Alexander, however, remained quiet and did not answer the approaching dwarf. Instead, he merely stared in his mysterious way. He had nothing to presently say to the dwarfs question, since he had no suitable answer for him. Alexander was extensively hesitant to explain anything that he knew about the realm between life and death, for he did not want to inspire anyone to seek it out. Especially with a mage standing just nearby. It would be inevitable that the mage's curiosity would drive him to seek answers, and those who sought answers more often than not found themselves wanting to try... To Alexander, this was unacceptable. The realm between life and death was unstable enough already. The less people knew about it, the better. Alexander regarded the dwarfs robotic servants briefly. He could most likely destroy them in a fight if needed, though Alexander would certainly not seek to start one. The world he had returned to was far different than the one he had left, that was to be sure. Alexander pondered if there was anything left from the time before. The people would most certainly be long gone by now, but perhaps Alexander would be able to find the old castle of the lord who sent him on his fateful mission. Perhaps not, as such things had habits of being destroyed, rebuilt, and destroyed again. Such was the nature of fortifications. Alexander put such thoughts to rest. Dwelling over what was and what could have been was a dangerous and wasteful pastime. Alexander found it better to focus on the here and now, especially on what was right in front of you. After all, what hope could you have of accomplishing a dream if you walked off a cliff while staring at the clouds on your way forward? None. None at all.