[h2]Sir Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] Tyaethe paused at that, not attacking the golem--the drider had a point, this thing would definitely block the stairway up if it were to be cut down in place. Hauling it out of the way was also rather out of the question... just hacking their way through wasn't going to work and they [i]had[/i] to get through one way or another. Therefore, the paladin placed her sword firmly in the earth. And then latched onto the golem's rocky surface, finding a handhold and beginning to climb up. Either she would get up to its controller and be able to solve it that way, or it would have to lose its ability to seal off the stairway to [i]stop[/i] that. One would hurt a bit more than the other, but either way they [i]were[/i] going to get past this. [hr] [h2]Lilianna Belwiss[/h2] "She wouldn't be the first captain who's been exploited like this, nor if we were to fail--or the mages to fail in their duty--would it stop the knights from doing their duty. Whatever the plan is, there is more to it than merely trying to remove our order's leader," Lilianna answered, "The best we can do is to keep a watchful eye and not shirk our own duties. Go find the dog, if you wish."