[center][b][u]Kaite[/u][/b][/center] Light clicks of eyelids snapped close to the wriggling form of a shadow sprite, a dull blue glow reflecting off of the blankly pleasant expression of Kaite. Holding the creature up by its bottom jaw, the ceramisteel digit crushed down on its tiny teeth as it struggled and clawed in vain. Gnawing fangs and claws from various appendages finding little purchase against the smooth stone-like material. Slowly into view came the bulk of the construct's left hand, fingers pulling back against the wrist with the palm opened in a star-shaped section to expose a crimson light accented with a dull whirring which quickly picked up in pitch as it neared the panicking sprite. The view snaps back as Kaite's head turns in the direction of the distant lights of the city as if having heard something to catch its attention. A hooded wagon lay mostly sunk into the mud, likely having gone off the rough cobblestone path when the horse's throat had been slit by the beasts which had taken up residence in the wreck to wait out the day. Remnants of chewed limbs poked out of the mire, the occupants likely thrown from their cart before being set upon by the ilk of the audacious [i]thing[/i] Kaite was in the process of tormenting. While his tattered attire was freshly ripped from an attack, most of the smarter sprites scattered when their would-be victim responded with a dark curiosity where they would have expected fear. As a result, the unsubmerged section of the cart had a hole blasted through it, the fabric of the hood having burned off and lay smoldering in the muck. An eviction notice. Kaite abruptly flicked his wrist with dismissal, earning a faint squeak from the creature before the crunch of its snapping neck and spine from the whiplash silenced it. The glowing arm swiftly reset itself as he tossed the limp monster to the side to crumple in the middle of the road without so much as a glance. His head smoothly panned along an X-axis rotation before reaching a signpost where he then looked down to read 'Wanderneir'. The sign having been knocked over from the wreck, he was left to assume it was in reference to the nearby settlement. Judging how the sign had been broken, Kaite quickly discerned the correct way to walk down the road which curved into the swamp to reach the main road.