Sample Character below! Also, I might play her if needs arise? [hider=Orena the Mage] [hr] [center][color=black]▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃[/color] [img][/img] [color=black]▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃[/color] [img][/img][/center] [quote][b]What is your name?[/b][/quote] [indent][color=BA2839]Orena.[/color][/indent] [quote][b]How old are you?[/b][/quote] [indent][color=BA2839]Nineteen! I was told I was born under the moon on a summer night, if that's important?[/color][/indent] [quote][b]What is your gender?[/b][/quote] [indent][color=BA2839]Female.[/color][/indent] [quote][b]What do you wish to be?[/b][/quote] [indent][color=BA2839]Mage. I studied at Grandheart's school for sorcery for two years before applying here.[/color][/indent] [quote][b]What are your skills?[/b][/quote] [indent][color=BA2839]I have all the skills of an apprentice mage; that includes comprehension skills of fundamental arcane language, primordial rites, and how to channel magic to my benefit... in theory. My education before the seminary was pretty average for a the daughter of a successful merchant family, though I'm not sure how arithmetic or trade knowledge will come of use to the guild unless I failed as an adventurer and am better as a clerk after all... but I'll try to make sure that doesn't happen! [/color][/indent] [quote][b]What is in your inventory?[/b][/quote] [indent][color=BA2839]I guess the most valuable thing to me is this amulet my eldest brother bought me for graduating the seminary. I don't think it's a family heirloom or anything, but it represents something important. I guess that's why I use it as my magical focus. Besides that I have my adventurer's kit and my spellbook! Some magical tools and a little bit of money. I'm pretty frugal, I guess. I also have the staff I was given after graduating. [/color][/indent] [quote][b]What are you like? What do people think of you?[/b][/quote] [indent][color=BA2839]I don't really like talking about myself, but okay. So, I'm kind of, like, a bookworm so I don't really have a lot of fundamental people skills? I mean, I try to be nice and polite no matter who talks to me, but arguments and rudeness kind of make me curl up into a ball. I don't know how to, like, process that kind of thing. I wouldn't say I'm a coward. I mean... I want to be an adventurer to help people, to protect them from harm, and just generally be someone people can look up to and recognize. But I'm just not very good with intimidation or people who don't act polite. My father always called me “meek” and I guess he's not completely wrong there? I want to be less meek, more brave. That's, like, one of the things the adventurer's guild is for, right? To force you out of your shell and be the best person you can be? I think I saw that on a poster somewhere. Anyway, I was raised to be self-motivated and to treat others about the same way as I want to. I don't like hurting actual people, but monsters are things that are inherently evil so I think I can deal with the stress and the anxiety of a fight with them. Besides, as a mage I'm there to help control the battlefield and lend support to my fellow adventurers, and I can do that. I am very commited to being an adventurer. I have to be. Everyone will see that I'm not just a meek merchant's daughter who had no right learning magic and joining the adventurer's guild. I'll show them that I'm confident, assertive, and proud.[/color][/indent] [quote][b]What are your life experiences? How did you grow up?[/b][/quote] [indent][color=BA2839]To speak of my childhood is rather boring, I'm afraid. I come from a family of well-traveled merchants and I've lived in the city for most of my life. The wealth I was allowed helped in my magical tuition, but I've decided rather than going back to be a merchant myself I'd like to help the people as an adventurer. But yeah, right, I grew up in the capital city of our monarchy. My mother was a royal scholar and my father the oldest of five brothers who worked for their family's mercantile business. I have several siblings, though I'm the only one who felt like I just... I didn't want what they wanted. The tales of the hero-adventurers fighting back against the Demon King had always been something more than stories to me when I was growing up. The idea of helping people for the greater good has always appealed to me and well, those stories were the first time I could feel that I wanted more. That inkling only sort of got worse as I got older. But, yeah, I guess you could say that I didn't really have many friends. I was way too into my books; way into understanding things even if they didn't make any sense to my parents. I wasn't into books on selling and trading, or finances in general, but like story-books and theoretical arithmetic; the kind of math wizards used to figure out spells and factors. My mother always thought I was wasting my time, but still I guess she still supported me. She's the one who applied for my instruction at a magical seminary in the city. My father, I guess, well, he didn't care. I'm the youngest daughter of a family of mostly boys, so he kind of focuses on making my brothers great while I just kind of existed. I think I still just exist. Maybe, that's part of it? I want to be more than just a face. But also I want to be like those heroes I read about. [/color][/indent] [/hider]