I know you wanted us to be low-key at the start. but I was also thinking towards the long term and a fun specialization. Gotta have a plan on where to take a character and what not. And my question on magics was more, how does it work? Especially in regards to the not infernal or holy side of magic. Do you control it innately through fortunes of birth/bloodlines or similar cosmic lottery type of deal? Or is it studied fastidiously in colleges and academies and can be taught to more or less anyone who puts in the time and effort? i.e sorcery or wizardry respectively. Just trying to get a feel of things for the sake of character ideas. I admittedly no nothing about the animes this idea is based off (or anime in general) and am coming at this with a more traditional sword and sorcery/ mindset. That's why i'm kinda wondering how magic works and what its potential limits are, how spells are cast (magic staves and thespian gibberish or waving hands in the air and sprinkling material components everywhere), etc , etc.