[right][sub][@Silent Observer][@Hey Im Jordan][@alexfangtalon][@Themerlinhawk][/sub][/right] [center][color=LightSeaGreen][h1]Abigail Reese[/h1][/color][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/524XJyP.png?2[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [color=C3D89E][b]“Abi. Hi.”[/b][/color] Abigail nearly jumped out of her skin as her brothers voice suddenly came from behind her, breaking the eerie silence in the house. She quickly turned to face him, clearly startled as backed against the kitchen entry door frame and raised a hand to her chest as if to calm her heart from beating out of her chest. [color=C3D89E][b]“I wasn’t expecting you.”[/b][/color] "[b][color=LightSeaGreen]I wasn't expecting you either![/color][/b]" She smiled and laughed at herself. She had never been the jumpy type in the past but... things were different now. [color=C3D89E][b]“Can I get you something to eat?”[/b][/color] Her smile quickly dissipated as her fear subsided and she got a good look at her brother. Green eyes scanned him over, ignoring his offer and taking in the complete mess that he was. "[b][color=LightSeaGreen]Oh, Demi...[/color][/b]" She frowned, meeting her gaze with his, a knowing look in her eyes. Her younger brother was typically so well put together. Hell, he usually had a better fashion sense than she did. Right now... he looked like a ghost! Some kind of pale, unkempt, polar opposite version of himself. If she didn't know any better, she would have thought he was sick with the flu. It wasn't pretty, but she could relate. Before today, she had done the bare minimum at taking care of herself. Besides when she dragged herself into work, she hardly showered and spent a majority of her time in pajamas. "[b][color=LightSeaGreen]I'm going to get lunch started for everyone. You go shower and get ready, okay? I thought everyone could-[/color][/b]" [color=f989f2][b]“ABIGAIL! YOU LEFT THE DOOR UNLOCKED!”[/b][/color] There was the noise that she remembered in the house. Abigail turned to look down the hallway, spotting her little sister flying into the house like a bat out of hell. At least Megara was still herself... though, sometimes that was a bit concerning. Comforting to have some sort of stability but at the same time... shouldn't Meg be more affected by this? Abigail supposed everyone dealt with these sort of things in their own way. Megara wasn't the only one in the family who seemed more or less unaffected by their mothers suicide, and now this. [color=f989f2][b]“Demi! Are you awake!? I need you to sign this paper!”[/b][/color] Abigail raised a brow and shot a glance at her brother, trying to see if he had any knowledge of what she might be asking him to sign. "[b][color=LightSeaGreen]What are you trying to get yourself into now, Meg?[/color][/b]" She poked a little fun at her sister who had become notorious for constantly having something up her sleeve. The girl was too clever for her own good sometimes. Seeing her brother Marcus slink into the kitchen, Abigail smiled at him. "[b][color=LightSeaGreen]Good morning sleepy head.[/color][/b]" She assumed he had just woken up by the somber look on his face and the bed head hair. [color=red]"What's on the agenda for today?"[/color] "[b][color=LightSeaGreen]Weeeell,[/color][/b]" Abi grinned, obviously excited about her grand plan "[b][color=LightSeaGreen]I thought everyone could use a day out of the house, so-[/color][/b]" The unmistakable "WEEUU-WEEU-WEEU HOONNK HOOONK" of her car alarm stopped her short. Her eyes grew wide - was someone breaking into her car just to steal all of her belongings she left in there?! Right in broad daylight, in her own drive way?! Abigail carefully and rapidly maneuvered herself around all of her siblings and bolted for the door. She ripped it open and ran outside, just in time to see the infamous Robin skateboarding off into the distance. [color=87A96B][b]"Nice wheels, Abi-Abi! Better take good care of it!"[/b][/color] She sighed, relieved and annoyed at the same time. Why did Robin always have to cause a scene? She would have blamed this behavior on the way he was coping, acting out for attention, but unfortunately he had been this way for as long as she could remember. Although, lately, it did seem like he was acting out more often. "[b][color=LightSeaGreen]Robin, wait![/color][/b]" She tried to call after him, recognizing his outfit as his work uniform. "[b][color=LightSeaGreen]I wanted to...[/color][/b]" Her voice trailed off as he disappeared over the hill on his skateboard, unable to hear anything she would have tried to say. She sighed, deflated, which showed wholeheartedly in her body language. Her "grand plan" wasn't going to go as smoothly as she anticipated. She should have known better. Grabbing her key fob and turning off the car alarm, she glanced over at her neighbor who was working on his car in the drive way. She had never met the man face-to-face before, but she felt bad that he had to witness the whole Robin fiasco. Not only that, but the fall into chaos of the entire Reese family. No doubt, everyone in town knew what had been happening to them. They were a spectacle. Entertaining to most, a sob story to others. She put on a nervous, weary smile and gave a sheepish wave to the man. "[b][color=LightSeaGreen]Sorry about that![/color][/b]" She called to him, hoping the alarm didn't upset anyone in the neighborhood. She didn't want to be a bad neighbor on top of all they were already dealing with. She headed on inside again, finding her siblings not too far behind to see what was going on. "[b][color=LightSeaGreen]I closed the diner for the day.[/color][/b]" It was time to get to the point. "[b][color=LightSeaGreen]I think we all need a day off and some fresh air. I've planned a picnic day![/color][/b]" She anticipated a groan from Megara, who would most likely have to be dragged to the park with them. Nonetheless, she hoped this day would help lift some spirits. At least for Demi, Abi, and Marcus' sake. "[b][color=LightSeaGreen]Everyone go get ready. I'm going to finish making lunch for us and then we can go pick up Brina from school![/color][/b]" She smiled and headed towards the kitchen, obviously leaving out Robin's name. He had chosen not to even speak with her, so she had chosen to let him find out on his own that the diner was closed. Perhaps he would choose differently next time.