Nensu watched her brother's group before them, who've just managed to trap them into a corner, after blocking the other teams from reaching them with an ice wall. It was clear that they were reluctant, almost nearly hesitating to go forward. There was no doubt on her mind that Midoriya was being very clever in his thinking, and obviously thinking his way through conflicts, almost constantly. They've managed to get this far into the competition, but now, was the stand-off; the moment to do-or-die. But she [i]knew[/i] that they will get through, and stay on top. As long as Loma doesn't arise, she herself will be able to get through this, unlike how she thought, the previous day. But then it was the same green-haired teenager who gave her confidence to still be here, and reach her dream to help people. The thought made Nensu actually glance up at him for a moment, before looking at the team before her. But, by the time she did, there was a blur. Her brother reached out, and took the bandanna from him, at such an incredible speed. "Deku!", the female Todoroki gasped in surprise.