[b][center][h2]Paige Kennedy[/h2][/center][/b] Getting a laugh out of Sio gave Paige a sly grin diverting her attention away from Milo for the moment as he continued his confrontation with Victoria. When she glanced back she saw him returning and shaking his head, grabbing a drink as he made his way back to their table. His expression had changed from some reluctance to an annoyed acceptance at whatever the two of them discussed. Considering how he’d been throughout most of the week, she was surprised to see him quickly finish off the small glass, but as she started to say something he turned her chin and kissed her intensely, like he’d never done before in public. Her eyes widened in surprise first at his closeness and then the action itself. Instinctively, she closed her eyes and put her hand on his cheek and for just the moment, let herself exhale and let the world around them fade into the background. As he pulled away she opened her eyes and looked at him, lips still slightly open feeling her breath return and for once she didn’t have any snappy retort for him. When he spoke it took a few more milliseconds for the words to register from the shock and the passion in his kiss. “Oh… umm.” She put her hand on her cheek, feeling the flush of red over her face and sensing Sio’s eyes on her. “Well... then you’re welcome.” She said finally with her quiet southern accent. Her eyes slowly moved over to Siobhan knowing her redheaded best friend was fully enjoying what she was seeing and then back to Milo. The moment felt like the one at his shop weeks ago when she had done the same to him: unrestrained and [i]right[/i] like they had both been waiting for it, but didn’t know it. Paige looked on seeing Sio being approached by several people at once and was really feeling the sentiment about being ready to go. At the same time, she heard the sound of her phone vibrating in her purse that was hung over the chair in its customary position. [i]Probably some work call…[/i] She lamented with a slight eye-roll and was also disappointed that the night was coming to an end. Work would be waiting as soon as they stepped out the door and their brief soiree would be over. She took Milo’s hand and gave it an affirmative squeeze feeling the strength and hardness in his grip from thousands of hours of labor. “I missed you.” She said whispering to him, not sure if he would understand or even if it mattered that he didn’t. [@Almalthia][@RoccanIronclad]