As the two women gave their speech, Elodie glanced at each of the other guests. An uneasy wind ran across the room then, or perhaps it were just her own overactive nerves. Perhaps Ladies Rowena and Adrianna trusted the crowd well enough, but Elodie was not so easy to sway. Perhaps it were her. Elodie dismissed the thought as soon as she thought it. She was not paranoid! It mattered not, now thinking about it. Who else would be at an event such as this, if not fellow plotters? Already, they are shouting their monikers at the tops of their lungs, as if not realizing the walls themselves are full of listening ears and treasonous minds. Dearest divine god in the earth, they were going to be captured and killed before the Triarchy could wipe the sweat from their faces. Secrets, too many secrets. Everything that came out of anyone's mouth should never leave the room. As her eyes darted to the faces of the guests again, she found such a dream unlikely. The simple numbers alone made spying near impossible, and if she remembered Bird with any certainty whatsoever, that woman is sure to take any instructions she receives, toss them out the window, and inevitably ruin things for both her teammates and her acting superiors. Elodie sighed, clutching a hand to her head. The logistics were a horrific thing, dancing about her head and making it spin on its toes. "You will know my missive when I give it, I should hope," Elodie said, quietly, approaching the two and whispering as they closed their speech. "It will be I, should I mark the endings of every other sentence with a blot, as if my hand were not steady in writing. I shall sign them in an utter nonsense of false names and foreign runes, and shall do so if it pleases milady. Else, tell me how I might address myself in my letters, and I shall have it done as you wish."