[centre][b]Arlo[/b][/centre] Somehow, Arlo believed the knight. Strange appearances aside, he could tell that he wasn't capable of such a thing. He didn't seem to be a caster, and if he was so outwardly aggressive as to beset someone with shadow sprites he would have already attacked them. He owed his level-headed reaction to the scenario before him to his already bizarre adventure since he left home. Running into interesting characters and strange happenings was just part of the experience to him. However, the dwarf was something of a sight he had never seen before. Machinations of the sort were exceedingly rare, and had he not already been preoccupied he might have flocked to the dwarf asking to study his creations. His eyes lit up with excitement towards the dwarf, but he quickly remembered the situation. Turning his head to see the dwarf also allowed him a glimpse of something else, movement rushing behind a building. He stared off towards it for a moment and tried to determine what it might have been. A villager rushing home perhaps? No, this was more familiar to him. He could swear he saw a leveret. But in Wanderneir? No, his mind must be playing tricks on him. Arlo's attention was gained again by the elf he had saved as she spoke. His name? He realized in the confusion that he had not introduced himself. "Listen, everyone. My name is Arlo, and I'm the acting court wizard under King Lancaster. I've been hired to seek out the source of the shadow sprite crisis, and have express permission to use whatever at my disposal to do so. While it seems all of you are capable people, I must advise that you seek shelter until dawn. If the guards of this city see you out at night you wont be charged with a crime but you might be placed in a cell until daylight for your own safety." Arlo turned towards the dwarf, one of his creations held a strange light that seemed bright enough to travel safely. "Sir, I know you don't know any of us, but would you be kind enough to escort these people to their homes should they need it? I still wish to talk more with each of you, you can all find me tomorrow morning in my housing near the castle, third house on the right."