[@Notorious Guy] Hey and welcome. I do have to give some feedback to help explain why I haven't accepted your sheet, but I'm just not convinced that being a mute falls under the same category as a curse, or in the way you have presented it. The curse is tied to the character in such a way that it shapes them beyond what is natural. Sienna is plagued with an addiction to Witchcraft and an otherly world, Mathias is a Werewolf, Edward can see more of the horrors of the world than Sienna, and Dave has constant premonitions of his own demise. If you look at them in this way you can begin to see how they can struggle with real life and socialisation — something I don't believe being a vocal mute could really match [sub](To be unfairly blunt, it's really a disability)[/sub]. Tying into that, I don't see the connection to an increase in sensorary abilities like smell; I'm sorry, but I'm not a fan of Japanese katanas in a 90's American horror story; or the combat focus with Combat Ready and Bloodlust. Adam just seems like like an action hero in a noir murder mystery style setting. I do like how you've created a hunter, but to take an example from DnD, focus more on the rogue archetype as opposed to the fighter or barbarian, and tie in a curse that may affect their emotional or sensorary stability. Perhaps even an aura of effect around them when they get angry and frustrated (just throwing out some snapshot ideas).