[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180913/e5c6ed5387556de682c6519d6c58cad6.png[/img][/center] [right][hr][color=gray][b]Tanaka Residence, Kurosuoba, Japan[/b] April 3, 2018 [b][color=white]|[/color][/b] 6:06 am[/color][hr][/right] [indent]Kazuto smiled as his aunt grimaced at Tsubasa's antics. It reminded him a lot of when him and Tsubasa were kids with her always acting outlandish or weird. One of his friends had once called her annoying, but he didn't exactly agree. He knew he missed his life in Kurosuoba but he didn't exactly realize how much he did. As the minutes passed by he remained seated as he finished his meal though it was obvious that Tsubasa had obviously beat him to it. It was her mistake, he presumed, eating that fast was just going to make her feel naseous and bloated. Hardly becoming for a girl who wanted to be a idol. [color=72A882][b]“You're going to get a stomach-ache if you keep eating like that, Tsu-chan.”[/b][/color] He commented as he moved from the table to look over his backpack and what he had prepared to take with him to school for his first day. [/indent]