Shiranui came down from the rafters and explained, "Mike mentioned Type: Null just after our Battle Royal at Royal Avenue. It was what Silva was when Mike got it. As for what they were after, I have a suspicion and that is they are after the technology that created Type: Null for the purpose of reverse engineering. If they succeed in that endeavour, they can make a mint selling Type: Null on the black market. "One more thing: Jessie, James, your Bewear is looking for you." After that warning was aired out, Shiranui did a head count of the Pokémon in the room and noticed Titania was absent. The Gardevoir in question had reverted to her standard form and Teleported to Veronica's location after sensing some sensitive information being learned by the wrong people. She used her psychic abilities to manipulate the downed poacher's mind and erase the memory of him learning Kitsune's true identity. "[i]What he learned of you just now has been forgotten,[/i]" Titania stated to Veronica before Teleporting back to her trainer's location. "Titania, what did you do?" Shiranui asked. "[i]I had to stop some sensitive information from being leaked,[/i]" Titania answered, explaining, "[i]Smaug's old trainer had learned Kitsune and Veronica were the same person and intended to divulge it to their boss—her father. So I went to his location and erased that information from his mind. He was already knocked out when I got there. If I hadn't done that, Veronica would've had a very dire future.[/i]" "I may not condone what you did, but I can make an exception in light of these circumstances," replied Shiranui.