[@Quote5][@Dartbored Fairy] and just a little [@Candy] [hr] [center][h2][b][color=708090]Victor[/color][/b][/h2][/center] Victor was more than happy to see Laika was with him. He’d been worried that something would go wrong. It didn’t, but he guessed he should have never questioned her special abilities to start with. Still, and what came across as a surprise to him, is that soon after observing no guards nearby, a couple of guards could actually be heard now. He was about to reply to Laika when the voice of one of the guards prevented him from uttering a word of his own. He stopped with mouth agape in silence, glaring at Laika in a suspended moment. He then turned his eyes towards the computer data terminal on the wall next to him, giving Laika a nod to suggest that she knew what to do. He then quickly motioned with his hands that he would find a safe place to hide and not to worry about him. When the security guard arrived, the area where Laika and Victor were hiding was empty, as too is the surrounding rows between cargo containers and crates. The guard must have been right, probably just a dirty rat or something. [hr] [center][h2][color=000000]Palmerston[/color][/h2][/center] Fortunately, all the cleaning equipment was already stored in the janitor’s room on the lower level of the ship, so Palmerstone only had his seen-better-days brown duffel bag (filled with clothing and other odds and ends) slung over his shoulder in the grip of one hand when he arrived on board. He made his way with head down through the corridors of the Aurora and managed to catch sight of a woman in passing. With a quick glance he recognized her as the First Officer from the crew manifest he had pawed over earlier. In any case, Delu or whatever name was, was a fine looking sort. Maybe if he had of cared at all he might have said hello or even given her a nod of recognition, but he didn’t care and therefore didn’t react. Judging by her direction, she was probably on rout to the bridge. In time, Palmerston would get to see the bridge as well as every other place on the ship while fulfilling his duties as janitor. He would also have to check in with the Captain at some point soon, just a routine procedure to introduce himself. But for now his only interest was getting settled in his room, so he kept on walking, took the next elevator to the lower deck and then found his quarters.