[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180429/c265d80b09e3e05e599ec507e01beb69.png[/img] [hider=My Hider] [center] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/375083236977541132/430306755218636803/45cc352ef3c66029f582d11466968d2f.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider][@Raijinslayer][@Crimson Raven][@Leslie Hall][/center] When the other crew members had surfaced from the barracks, having come up on deck to perform whatever individual duties they had, whether that be cleaning, altering the sails, etc, etc, Adelyn was very quick to make herself scarce. For a few reasons, most importantly was that she didn't want to be seen right now. Which also was for a few different reasons. Such as not wanting to be showing a weaker side to this motley crew of rag-tag misfits, just simply being sick of all their presences and most important of all she didn't want them to see her and Laz together like this. She didn't want weird rumours spreading around, unaware that such ones already probably were making the rounds. So instead she retreated into the medic bay, usually where one would find the resident doctor in Alex. They would probably find him there right now as well, but he was so drunk and out of it that he had been carried and passed out in a bed. At least he would be quiet for a while, which effectively gave Adelyn some quiet alone time to herself and her thoughts. She had just a little bit on her plate to consider. She wouldn't leave unless Alex came to and annoyed her too much, not even for food and even sleeping there for the night as compared to the barracks. And if he did annoy her, well she would probably smash a bottle on his head or something to take him back out of it. [hr] [i]The Next Day[/i] Despite what she herself thought, she slept rather easily that night. Well compared to most that she had spent here. Suppose she had vented some of her frustrations out, but it was still a far cry of a 'good nights sleep'. Maybe it was because she wasn't lying in some uncomfortable, glorified net? Perhaps, but it wasn't like these were actually the best mattresses going around either. There was a really loose spring that dug into her back and was uncomfortable as hell. But, better than nothing. Wouldn't stop her from complaining later. Oh by Juno, no it wouldn't. That would be something to bring up at a later time. Not that it was to say she felt rested. In fact, she was feeling more towards the exhausted end of the spectrum and just laid there for several minutes. Staring up at the wooden ceiling above her, one might've thought she was contemplating something. But the truth was far, far more boring. She was staring up there because she had nothing better to do, and would rather think about how old, tattered and worn away the timber was then thinking about literally anything else right now. They had some big, important mission today. Honestly to her, it was literally just a train robbery. Theft. Honestly, they were no better than a group of lowlife bandits at this point. After what felt like an eternity the girl eventually dragged herself out of the bed. More because that spring that dug into her back had reached impossible to deal with levels of annoyance to her than much else, but also because of the loud rumbling her stomach made. Perhaps skipping last night's meal was a mistake in the long run, but she just didn't want to put up with others. So, a necessary sacrifice. Once she was able to get some old, semi-stale bread she was able to sate the hunger for the time being. They didn't really have much else, well nothing that Adelyn that didn't seem as rotten as that one crewmembers teeth, and this was perhaps the true reason behind this 'heist' of theirs. The Captain claimed it was to help the people, but really it seemed like it was more they were running out of food and this seemed like the better option. Suppose they wouldn't be pirates if they bought their supplies like normal people. She proceeded to spend the rest of her time before the mission doing what she could usually be found doing. Sitting in some corner of the ship by herself, reading. Though she really couldn't get into it, she kept the book in front of her and pretended to do so. Turning a page every now and then to keep the act up. Why one might ask? Because it kept most of the riffraff away for the most part. Or if they did approach, if she gave them the cold shoulder long enough they eventually left. Shortly before they were about to be called in for the mission, she sighed and closed her book. Suppose she had thought about it long enough. There was no word to describe how much she loathed this decision. She was aware that this would probably be the 'point of no return'. If she proceeded with this, then she really would make herself an enemy of the Librarium. But at the same time, she was already viewed as one anyway. She didn't really have a lot to gain from doing this, but she did stand to lose what little she had left if she didn't. Even if the losses from her doing it were only slightly less. Slowly dragging herself up, she made the exceptionally slow walk towards the hanger. Almost as if her legs were made of lead. Luckily for her, she was one of the last to arrive, though seeing how slowly she had moved it was no surprise, and thus managed to sneak in without much fuss while everyone's attention was drawn to the engineer and scout that were testing out the cloaking technology. She wasn't sure why everyone was so amazed by the sight, but then again seeing how primitive and outdated most of the Cloud Chasers tech was this was probably the equivalent of them inventing the wheel. Or possibly discovering fire. Neanderthals, the lot of them. Without a word, she coolly took her place beside Amara, making a concentrated effort to put the girl between herself and Laz. It was as obvious as night were to follow the day that the former heiress was obviously not happy about being here, but still, here she was. That said something at least. Soon after the Captain entered the room. While everyone turned his way, Adelyn didn't even glance in his direction. A heavy scowl forming as she heard the all too familiar booming voice. The incident from yesterday was still fresh on her mind. And she didn't seem to plan on letting it go anytime soon at the very least. She only turned his way when she felt his gaze fall on her directly, her eyes narrowing considerably as they locked for just a brief moment. If looks could kill, she could've killed him two hundred times over. At least. But unfortunately for her, they didn't. A shame indeed. Her response to his words contained no more than an annoyed, disdainful click of her tongue and her diverting her attention to [i]literally anything else[/i]. Oh yes, that dirty, disgusting looking stain over on the wall there that probably was the result of someone expelling the contents of their stomachs everywhere after drinking too much? Yeah, she would prefer to look at that then give Ragnar even a nanosecond more of her time. And if she had to make a bet on who made that stain, she would go all out on Alex. It also helped her ignore the looks she got and the murmuring throughout the crowd. Of course, they weren't happy with a noble being amongst them, especially not an Amberfield. To Sky Pirates, they were turncoats. Traitors and cowards who turned their back on their fellow wizards all those years ago. The fact that many of the family had also served as Hunters, Knights or both and ruthlessly took down Sky Pirates also didn't help. One announcement wouldn't change years of animosity towards her family. And as much as they didn't like her, she liked them even less. [color=BFB4B0]"You should be more concerned about your own."[/color] Adelyn's tone was a cold as the look that she gave the first pirate that spoke. A look that made the artic seem like the Arabic desert. When an engineer came over to help her into her glider, she immediately shoved the poor pirate away rather frantically. [color=BFB4B0]"Keep your dirty, rotten hands off! By Juno, who knows the last time you bathed.....judging by that smell, I doubt you ever had."[/color] Adelyn took a quick sniff and made a face. For the love of Juno they needed a place to clean themselves here. After a few more, failed, attempts to help her into the glider, each attempt simply meeting the same result the poor engineer finally threw their hands up in the air and trudged off. Especially after each attempt just escalated the insults, the poor engineer. With a huff, Adelyn sloppily put it on by herself. It was clearer than how much she didn't want to be here that she simply just didn't know how to wear one of these things. In fact, she had never worn one before and that much was very much so on display right now. Had she managed to put the harness on backwards? Dear Juno, she was wearing her glider the wrong way round. What a terrific, inspiring way to start this mission off. The foreign weight dragging her onto the ground the instant she moved her hands away, not expecting it to weigh so much. She had seen her brothers use gliders before, but none so rudimentary or crude as these. These were ancient. At least things could only get better from here. .....Right?