[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LmZmOGFjYy5RMkZ0YVd4c1pRLCwuMA,,/lovelyou-free.regular.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LmZmZmZmZi5kbk11LjAAAAAA/neythal.regular.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LjQ0NjgzMS5UR2xzYkdsaGJnLCwuMAAA/neythal.regular.png[/img] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/auiMKIPjkJu1i/giphy.gif[/img] [sub][i]Featuring: [color=lightpink]Camille Winters[/color] and [color=seagreen]Lillian Henry[/color][/i][/sub][/center] [right]When: After the encounter with Panda[/right] [hr] Camille was left stunned from the previous encounter with her best friend. She couldn’t believe she couldn’t say anything. Rubbing the bridge of her nose as she made her way to her locker before her next class, she had her earphones in to drown out the shallow bullshit that ran rampant in these hallways. The girl wasn’t particularly in the mood to talk to anyone right now. She just wanted to [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifr3O33UpWs]hear the music[/url] and try to have her woes melt away before she went to the next class. The last thing she wanted was to come to class in a funk, because lord knows how that would go if she went to class off her game. Speaking of the Lord, Jesus’s dickrider was making her way down the hallway. Mostly invisible to the presence of the other students, there was a sense of hatred emitting from her like radiation from Chernobyl. Everyone and their mother knew that Lillian was up to no good, so for the most part they turned away whenever they saw her. It wasn’t because they were afraid of her or anything like that, but it was because she just simply wasn’t worth bickering with. She was going to throw the bible at you. She was going to use every single thing she could against you, even if was way, way, way below the belt. It was in the name of what [i]she believed[/i] to be holy and right, and for that, most, if not everyone here was sinning like there was no tomorrow. Though, she had a stop to make first. She had forgotten a crucial binder in her locker that she needed for her next class. It sucked. She couldn’t believe she had been so silly to forget such a basic thing for her. This week had not been a good week for Lillian. There was the thing with the freshman she tried to consume earlier, but she was interrupted. She was in the mood to redeem herself, she was still upset about the fact that she was humiliated in front of the school’s peons. Arriving at her locker, she inputted the same old code and it opened right on cue. Right away, there was a giant cross on display within. Her beliefs were not to be trifled with, and she was not having anyone who was going to criticize it. But, she was more than willing to criticize those who went against it. Closing her locker, she turned to see who was probably one of the most unholy people at this school. Just its sheer presence disgusted Lillian. She couldn’t believe that a person like it was allowed to exist, let alone be here. [b][u][i]The fucking tranny.[/i][/u][/b] It didn’t fool anyone. As a matter of fact, [i]he[/i] didn’t fool anyone. Just because you had some balloons put on your chest, ate a special pill every day, put some makeup on, and dressed like a girl didn’t make you a girl. If God wanted you to be a girl, you would’ve been one. But no, there was someone like he-she over there fucking with God’s will right there. She couldn’t believe it or his audacity. Which meant that it was the perfect target for her righteousness. God clearly didn’t want this sinful creature to be the way that they are. As harsh at it would’ve come across, Lillian honestly believed that she was doing this thing a favor by informing them of their sins and guiding them to the light, where they could hopefully have some salvation. She doubted that this particular creature would get it, but it was worth trying. In the very least, at least she maybe could’ve caused it to be removed from this world, which was just as good in her own opinion. The sudden slamming of the lockers had startled Camille. She was able to hear it despite the music blaring in her ears. The sudden nature of the noise caused her to jump. Pulling out her earphones, she turned to see the last person she wanted to see right now. Lillian Henry. She was well known for not being very lowkey about her beliefs. It was fine for her to believe what she wanted to believe, but it was not okay to assert her beliefs the way that she did. But yet, there she was. There she was thinking she was right and holy. News flash, it was 2043. Attitudes like that were left behind long ago. Seeing Camille jump to the sudden commotion had put a smile on Lillian’s face. She was going to enjoy toying with Camille and hopefully make it see that its ways were wrong and unholy. Maybe then, she could make this school a better place to be. A place just a bit freer from sin. [color=seagreen][b]”Oh, I’m sorry, sir, did I scare you?”[/b][/color] Did… did Camille really just hear that? Did she just hear one of the words she never wanted to hear ever again? Camille’s eyes narrowed. She put her tongue at the tip of her lips, nearly licking them as she glared down Lillian. She wanted to walk away, but for whatever reason, the temptation to engage with her was just too much. Camille wasn’t going to let this blatant disrespect stand. [color=lightpink][b]”Nuh-uh. I didn’t just hear that, honey. You didn’t just say that.”[/b][/color] Camille’s face contorted into a smile, but rest assured there was nothing happy behind that smile of hers. [color=seagreen][b]”Why? What’s wrong with it? Am I wrong?”[/b][/color] [color=lightpink][b]”Yes, yes you are!”[/b][/color] Camille’s nostrils were starting to flare, her face becoming flush with color. [color=lightpink][b]”You’re as wrong as… wrong!”[/b][/color] [color=seagreen][b]”But explain to me why I’m wrong? I don't see any reason why I’m wrong.”[/b][/color] [color=lightpink][b]”Because it is! Why can’t you just respect what other people believe? I am a woman. That’s the end of the story.”[/b][/color] [color=seagreen][b]”No you’re not. You’re a man with fake tits and makeup.”[/b][/color] [color=lightpink][b]”...and what exactly defines a man?”[/b][/color] [color=seagreen][b]”Whatever you are.”[/b][/color] [color=lightpink][b]”But, I’m not a man. I’m a fucking woman! My license says female, my passport says female, even my birth certificate says female! I am as much of a woman as you are.”[/b][/color] [color=seagreen][b]”Right, but you’re not. Just because you lied out of your ass to the government doesn’t mean you [i]are[/i] that lie. What about what’s in between your legs? I know there’s something there.”[/b][/color] [color=lightpink][b]”What’s in between my legs is none of your business. Why can’t you just respect what other people believe? It’s not harming you at all.”[/b][/color] [color=seagreen][b]”It is. I don’t like knowing that… things like you walk this campus. It makes me feel bad for you -- that you’re gonna go to hell knowing that you’re just nothing but a mentally ill man.”[/b][/color] [color=lightpink][b]”I just… wow. I can’t believe this. It’s 2043. You don’t gotta be a man’s man to be a man, and you don’t gotta be a woman’s woman to be a woman. That shit was left far long ago. You could be a man for all I could know. So for all intents and purposes - I am a woman.”[/b][/color] Lillian smiled, before shrugging. [color=seagreen][b]”Okay, whatever you say, sir.”[/b][/color] Lillian had the most smug smirk on her face. Camille sighed, before clenching her fist. This girl had pissed her off far too much, and clearly her words weren’t going to get to her. [color=lightpink][b]”Well then… I hope your lord forgives me for what I’m about to do next.”[/b][/color] [color=seagreen][b]”What?”[/b][/color] Before Lillian could say the next thing she had to say, her face met Camille’s fist, dropping her instantly as Camille walked over her collapsed figure. [color=lightpink][b]”Lord have mercy on me…”[/b][/color] She muttered, as she made her way to her next class. Not a single person batted an eye at the fact that Lillian just got punched in the face. There were only small snickers as they walked past her.