[color=cadetblue][h1][center]Lily Murphy[/center][/h1][/color][center][img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjEyNzg2NTM4MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzcxNzMwNjE@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,625,1000_AL_.jpg[/img][/center][hr][h2][center]Interaction: Api [@RumikoOhara][/center][/h2][hr][h3][center]Mentions: Uná; Nathan; Eugene; Danny & Uná [@Almalthia][/center][/h3][hr][hr]Lily pushed back her brunette hair and she reminisced about yesterday. Uná nearly bowled her over and Isaac and Nathan got into a fight. So much drama. Then Eugene said something about Nathan and Uná kissing. Lily shook her head. She’d never seen herself as kissing someone. She was far too shy for that. Plus she was much more interested in knights and chivalry. She refused to give up on the SCA and was attempting to contact the Barony of Lyondemere if she could get it passed through the Headmaster. She might even try and recruit some players. Crossing the lounge she stopped at the windows that gave a view of the courtyard. Danny had been busy. It didn’t look like an open dirt crater the grass had covered it and she watched the sun finally crest the horizon. She liked to be up early. She saw a flash of brilliant red hair and knew that Uná was up and running as usual. That girl was burning the candle at both ends. Up early and out late. Lily shook her head and went to make herself a cup of tea in the cafeteria. She’d seen Uná around and the girl nearly landed on her yesterday doing her tumbling nonsense. Uná had scared the crap out of her and she was still a little bit miffed about it. Walking into the cafeteria Lily grabbed two mugs and put on some tea. Either Danny or Uná would be coming in but she was surprised to see the blonde boy that was in the courtyard yesterday. She had been watching yesterday to see what had happened and she was surprised that they had all worked together as a team so well. It reminded her of her and Danny. They were a duo of misfits. So far she hadn’t connected with anyone else then again she hadn’t tried. Most of the guys were typical teenage boys with the attitudes to match. Yeah one or two of them could rub along well but she wanted something more a deep connection. With someone like Mr. Bingley from Pride and Prejudice. A down to Earth, sweet, gentleman. Shaking herself out of her own head she decided to go for it and talk to the blonde boy. They were the same height but she was very delicate looking in comparison.[color=cadetblue] “Good morning. I’m Lily. Would you like a cup of tea? I just made a pot.”[/color] She took the kettle off and set out sugar and milk in case he liked it the same way she did. She smiled and waited patiently for him to respond.