Cob, the Wandering Dwarf [@Dealdric] - Deruga ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The dwarf was standing in front of a rock around his own size, when he turned around as he heard someone call out to him, and he then instinctively reach for the hammer that he had brought from the village. However, as he turned around, he saw that it was just an unarmed human, and so he placed his weapon back on the ground. He had never seen a human before, but he had the stories about them. Despite this being his first encounter with a human, he didn't let it show. The dwarf just turned around, and returned to what he was tending to, shouting back, "What do you want." He was trying to grow some of the moss that he brought from the village, but for some reason it was not growing as fast as it should. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [color=DAA520][b]Ferron[/b][/color] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The emergence of this fear spiral had deeply concerned Ferron. As far as he could remember, he had never encountered anything of the sort. However, memory was not very reliable within this realm. As he was considering how to proceed, Crom entered through the door of the temple with a few other dwarves following behind him. Crom approached first and asked, "We would like you to train us how to defend our home from attack." Ferron paused for a moment, this was sudden and he had barely any time to see how the aura has changed Crom, however it was a sensible idea. He answered, [color=DAA520]"I have considered this possibility, and I do believe it would be a reasonable idea. However I can not train you yet, as there are preparations I need to attend to. I will gather you once again when they are completed." [/color] Crom looked back the other dwarves, and nodded, "As you wish, Lord Ferron." Ferron had more than enough power to very quickly complete the preparations instantly, however he believe it would be better if the dwarves attended to the needs of their own village. In addition, he wanted additional time to see how the aura has changed Crom.