[color=lightcyan][center]Hello everyone! Welcome to Project Infantil. This RP allows tons of creativity and the growth of your character is a prominent aspect. You can choose to be one of the subjects or a researcher/scientist. The subjects are human, however they have been tested on heavily, meaning most have some kind of power or inhuman trait. A lot of the subjects have robotic parts in them, for example an eye, hand, arm, leg, heart, etc. The subjects have access to one another each day for most of the day in secluded and highly secured areas. They cannot watch television nor use the internet, they are permitted to read but only literature provided to them by the scientists. The subjects are highly intelligent, but rather socially ignorant due to being cut off from the rest of the world. The lab is placed on miles and miles of property, a thick mass of forest surrounding its entirety. Double walls covered in barbed wire as well as electrified, keeping the subjects within their limits. Because there is no privacy within the facility, many of the subjects communicate through coding, often infiltrating the scientists databases, changing things to their advantage, however if this is discovered the subject may receive a data-wipe, their knowledge and memories entirely removed. Another option is harsher handling, a defiant subject may receive beatings, electrocution, or nearly lethal testing. There are events and challenges that must be performed by each subject each day to test their abilities. Each subject has one ability that is their strongest and most controlled, the others are weaker and nearly uncontrollable. A series of tasks are given to the subject and they are observed as they attempt to finish them. A successful test grants the subject a day of freedom, meaning they are able to go outside, swim, play with the other subjects and wander the compound "freely." An unsuccessful test grants the subject a punishment or strenuous hours of forced ability practice The purpose of the project was initially to create a weapon, however scientists found it difficult to control the human subjects, their own feelings and humanity getting in the way of them becoming solely a weapon. In the beginning, the subjects were born in the facility, test-tube babies that endured injections and other modifications almost immediately. Those who survived would go on to be observed for future subject creation. As time went on, creating a baby within the lab became too costly and time consuming, instead babies and young children were stolen from families. The same process would occur, these children given new identities, never to see their families again. Eventually taking older adult subjects became a popular task, their former lives wiped from their head before they were put under testing. Those who were brought in as adults often times have bits and pieces of their memory construed, remembering portions of their former life, but not enough to make sense of it. If you decide to be a scientist, your job is to execute tests. Giving the subjects tasks as well as interviewing and forming relationships with them. Some scientists are incredibly cruel, others are more nurturing and looked at as a guardian to most subjects. I will provide more information once this gains traction and I create the OOC.[/center][/color] ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ [url=https://discord.gg/tpmz5Cd][color=cyan][center]Ĵ̶̨̢̧̢̧̪̯̝̘̠̟̪̳̯̘͔̞̩͖͙̺̭͎̟̥̘̪̦̙͖̖̞͍̳̖̠̣͇͙̬̩̺̞̞̞̦̥͕͖̘̹͖̰͈̣͕̭̣̟̬̟̼͍͙̟͇̳̬̬͍̣́̆̅̋̈́͂͗͋̈́͜͜ͅͅǫ̶̡̧̨̛̺̳͇͉̦̬̪̹̼̯̥̗͇̙͎̬͈̱̻̼̭̻͓̫͔̗̳͙̺̖̱̬̥̥̟͐̆̒̋̃̊͋̂͗̊͌̔̿͊̅̔͋̄͗͒̔̊̊̈́̒̆̉́̏͛́͗́͗̔̈̈́͗͛̏̆̈́̏̾̈́͌̃̆̔̂̀̃͒̒̇̈́̓̿̒̀́͆̀̐̃́̚̕͜͝͝͠͠͝͝ͅͅĩ̸̧̛͍̞̜͔̞̻̲̪̳̭̑̉̐̎͊͊͛̀̉̓͂̓̈́̈́̆͌́̋̾̊͊̈͌̚͘̚͝͝n̷̨̧̢̢̡̤͍̤̹̭͖̬̖͖̹̦̤͍͇͎͓̭͍̞̘̣̟̲̝̣̪͉̱͇̜͙̰̰͚͈̪̗͎̫̞̞̱͈̱̖͙̲͖̩͓̮̫̤̺̺͍̖̺̙̝̪͚̮͔̥̫̝̠̫͍̳̦̤͎̭̩̺̟͈̠̬̘͉̥̝̲̗̩̰̭̘̖͖̯̲̐̈̇͒͌͂̿́̎̃̄́̏̉̋͘͠͠ͅͅͅͅ ̵̧̧̨̡̨̧̨̛̺͉̳͚̘̪̙̮̗̩̞͍̜̰͚̣̪̺̥͓͚̩̟̗͔̘̪̖͇̞͙̙̪̯͉̬̺̖̟̬̥̠̖̘̗̖̤̩̹͍̪̮̤͎͙͎̹͍̟̺̜͉̰̦̪͕̜̟̖̠̺͓͇̟̩̥̣̻̗̬̪̍̒̃͆̔̂̌̇̊̔̉̏̈̽̃͂̏̓͛͋̈̓̍́͛͊̓̅̿̃̐͌̀̾̾̋̉̽̊͗́́̍̃̏̑͆̕̚͜͜͠͝͝͝͠͝ͅư̶̡̡̧̨̢̡̧̢̨̡̢̮͇̗̫̟̥͚͈̦̥̝̜̠̹͖̞̪̠̥͈̝̺͉̫͔͖̼͓͍̰̹̺̤͇̞̟̘͍̙͚̦̝̫̦̭͔̩̺̺̻̟͍̙̙̞͔͕͕͓̗̺͚̥̜̬̣̘̱̰̤̹̦̟̠̳͓̱̗͉̘̦͈̟̟̣̗̦̏̍̈́̏͛͆̀̈́͂̐̑̿̍̇̀͋͌̉͑͌̔̿̑͌̉̃̿̔̄̅͛̃̿̉̂͆̇̑͘̕͜͝͠ͅͅͅͅs̸̛̥̘̖͙̩̙͎͙̘͕̟͇̠̗̦̱͖̰̮̹̭̣͓̩̘̆͑͊̉̇͗̐̽̐͒̒̆̿̔̌̾̌̓̂̊́̑̇͋́͒͗́́͛̽̆͑͐͛̄̀̉́̎̆̉̽͐͌͌̄̀̎̀͊̍̈́̓̇͗̏̽̔̑̃̀̉̈͛̏̑̿͐͑̔̓̒̅͂͗͐̐̑̾̀̊̑̈̋̎̋͋̑̀͌̎͘̕̚̚͘̕͘͜͠͝͝͝͝͠͠͠͝͝[/center][/color][/url] [center] [hider=CS Template (Edit to you liking)] [pre][center]「 ʀ ᴇ ᴀ ʟ ᴘ ʜ ᴏ ᴛ ᴏ 」 _____________________________________________________ | ɴ ᴀ ᴍ ᴇ | | ᴀ ɢ ᴇ | | ɢ ᴇ ɴ ᴅ ᴇ ʀ | | ᴘ ᴏ s ɪ ᴛ ɪ ᴏ ɴ | | s ᴇ x ᴜ ᴀ ʟ ɪ ᴛ ʏ | | s ᴜ ʙ ᴊ ᴇ ᴄ ᴛ # : |[/center] [indent][indent][indent] [u]ᴀ ᴘ ᴘ ᴇ ᴀ ʀ ᴀ ɴ ᴄ ᴇ ᴅ ɪ s ᴄ ʀ ɪ ᴘ ᴛ ɪ ᴏ ɴ[/u] ↳ Thorough physical description. [u]ʜ ɪ s ᴛ ᴏ ʀ ʏ[/u] ↳ How did your character become a subject/scientist at the facility? [u]ᴘ ᴏ ᴡ ᴇ ʀ / ᴀ ʟ ᴛ ᴇ ʀ ᴀ ᴛ ɪ ᴏ ɴ s[/u] ↳ What is your subjects most controlled power? What alterations are on their body? (For scientists, ignore this portion.) [u]ᴘ ᴇ ʀ s ᴏ ɴ ᴀ ʟ ɪ ᴛ ʏ[/u] ↳ What's your character like? What makes him or her tick? [/indent][/indent][/indent][/pre] [/hider] [h3][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/174832-p-ro-ject-infatil/ooc][color=cyan]Ó̷̢̺͍͕͙́̀̈́̍̋͝͝OC[/color][/url][/h3][/center]