[color=cadetblue][h1][center]Lily Murphy[/center][/h1][/color][center][hider=Lily][img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjEyNzg2NTM4MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzcxNzMwNjE@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,625,1000_AL_.jpg[/img][/hider][/center][hr][h2][center]Interaction: Api [@RumikoOhara][/center][/h2][hr][h3][center]Mentions: None [/center][/h3][hr][hr]Lily smiled and made poured a cup of black tea for the boy. Lily didn’t really know how to make small talk so she kept busy by passing him the milk and sugar that she had already added to her tea. She was going to scramble eggs and make toast so since he was here might as well ask if he wanted some.[color=cadetblue] “Uh...would you like something to eat? I was going to make scrambled eggs and toast. I can make more if you want some and I could add bacon or sausage? Actually an omelet sounds better now. I’m sorry I didn’t get your name?”[/color] Lily sipped her tea and watched the blonde boy.[color=cadetblue][i] He’s cute. And I can’t help but be intrigued as to what he is writing. That is a very beautiful journal and that pen looks like it’s an heirloom. And he has quite an accent, but it suits him.[/i][/color] Lily moved to gather the things she would need waiting for his response.