[color=gray][right][sub][color=orangered]L O C A T I O N[/color] / / [color=darkgoldenrod]The perfect seat for the Jun and Victoire Vareity Hour[/color] [color=orangered]I N T E R A C T I N G W I T H[/color] / / [color=darkgoldenrod] Tim-Tom-Tam [NPC] and Nadia[/color][/sub][/right] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/jRPR6sl.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/LSwUPr6.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [indent][indent] As the duo of Sonny and Nadia made their way to the cafeteria, Sonny had told Nadia to save them a table as he went inside to get their lunches. For Sonny, his go-to always has been and always will be pepperoni pizza. There was no if, ands, or buts about it. To him, that was the only pizza he would ever recognize as proper pizza. A second place would be a meat lovers pizza that had three types of sausage in addition to pepperoni. How people can choose Hawaiian pizza over the classic staple of pepperoni, mozzarella cheese, and a thin layer of red sauce was beyond his comprehension. For Nadia, he got her a salad. She seemed like the type who enjoyed a nice Chinese chicken salad. [color=darkorange]“That’ll be how much?”[/color] Sonny thought he heard wrong. “Thirty Bucks, Sonny,” Timmy, the poor nerd who worked in the cafeteria, said. [color=darkorange]“Fuck, that’s a ripoff, Tommy.”[/color] “It’s Timmy.” Rolling his eyes, Sonny handed him a fifty dollar bill. [color=darkorange]“Give me that change, Tammy.”[/color] Timmy glared at Sonny as he gave him a twenty dollar bill in return. “There ya go, [i]Sunny[/i].” And that earned Timmy a glare from Sonny. He tried to shrug off the annoying feeling that nested itself deep in his stomach. [color=darkorange]“That Tummy Scott sure has a lot of nerve. Maybe Kavi should pay him a visit.”[/color] Sonny contemplated the entertaining thought of sicking the mixed pitbull on the nerd. He knew Kavi enjoyed tormenting those who were a lot weaker than he was. Usually, Sonny wasn’t supportive of it, but in this specific case, he was more than willing to turn the other cheek. As he shook his head, he decided to save that for later as he came to the view of the table spread throughout the quad/courtyard (it was called a lot of things). It only took him a second scan to find Nadia. She had saved them a seat somewhere in the middle of it all. He rushed over to join her, handing her salad. “I didn’t know which one you liked, so I just got this one. My sister loves it and you two seem to have similar tastes,” he shrugged, taking a bite of his pizza, letting his eyes wander around the quad. He saw a lot of faces that he recognized. Some were those he didn’t particularly like and some he did but didn’t feel like disrupting his time with Nadia. To his surprise, he actually found himself enjoying her company. Who would’ve thought that, of all people Sonny could’ve been paired up with and of all the possible outcomes, he’d find himself not minding the more mellow, if not somewhat cheerful, company of Nadia a breath of fresh air. She was nothing like that Victoire. God, if he never had to see her again, he’d still think it wouldn’t be long enough. [color=darkorange]“So, what I’d miss--”[/color] Before Sonny had a chance to finish what he was going to say, he first heard the familiar voices of Victoire and Jun rush past him, though they seemed to stop not far from where he and Nadia were sitting. At first glance, he rolled his eyes. Sonny didn’t mind Jun all that much anymore. The past month had been good for their building friendship (if you could call it that), but seeing Victoire still made his blood boil. But that’s all it was - a first glance. It was as it appeared to be. Sonny noticed a particular irritation from Vic as she spoke to Jun in a way that seemed way too familiar for the teen. Sonny couldn’t help but utter a loud, noticeable laugh. [color=darkorange]“Get her, Jun!”[/color] Sonny whistled, cheering on his fellow misfit. The back and forth between Jun and Vic had Sonny actually enjoying lunchtime for once. It had gotten to the point where Sonny pulled out his phone and started recording the conversation. From Jun being Jun and Victoire doing everything that she could possibly to rid herself of him. That was something Sonny could relate to, but heaven be damned if it wasn’t entertaining as fuck seeing her get the just deserts that she had been asking for since the party. As he watched and recorded, laughs soon consumed the chuckling air that Sonny consumed. It was that use of [code]nothing[/code] that always seemed to be an indicator of how Vic often felt about someone. Stella had told Sonny about how she said ‘I nothing you’ to her, but just like Stella didn’t, Jun wasn’t giving up. And just when Sonny thought Jun couldn’t top his previous line of the use of ‘Viccy’, he did it. [color=darkorange]“He fucking did it!”[/color] At this point, Sonny was ready to become a real-life version of the common abbreviation of ‘rolling on the floor’ as his laughter could be heard from the parking lot to the history department nearly a half a mile away (not literally but that’s just how loud he was laughing). [color=darkorange]“I’m..gonna need a minute,”[/color] he said to himself. He made sure to save the video. He never knew when he might need to use it. About three or so minutes later, though Sonny had some chuckles that remained, there was no doubt it mostly passed, so he was finally able to eat his pizza. He could see the apparent displeasing nature in Nadia’s eyes as she ate her salad. He didn’t pay that any mind. It was so worth it because he just [i]knew[/i] it would come in handy one day. If Victoire’s reaction to Jun was any indicator, using this video was the key to getting to her as well. As he took a bite out of his pizza, Sonny wanted to check out the tables, seeing who might’ve shown up. At that moment, Sonny regretted doing just that. And before he could take the act of curiosity back, there four tables away from where he and Nadia were sitting, at [i]their[/i] table, was Marisol, Archer, and two nobodies that Sonny didn’t recognize. Well, he recognized Captain Kirk, but the brown boy who, at the moment he saw them, had his arms around Marisol. [color=darkorange]“And just who the fuck is that?”[/color] [/indent][/indent][/color]