[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QCgTnAH.png[/img][/center] [hr][@Zeroth][@King Cosmos][@SilverPaw][@Searat][@floodtalon][@Gardevoiran][@ReusableSword][@Old Amsterdam][@Duthguy] Taking the crystals from Oberon, Jason hastily refilled his mana as he lunged forward onto the female goblin to assist mama rat. Grappling the green bitch, he activated [b][Telepathy II][/b] and forced himself into her mind. [color=darkred]'SLEEP.'[/color] he commanded as he poured forth all of his psychic might at once, attempting to crush her failing will. -- If that didn't work he'd just [b][Rock Spire I][/b] through her midsection. Regardless, there was one final loose end to clean up; Rattleskull himself. Forming himself into a ball with his newly developed [b][Lesser Shapeshift I][/b], he barreled toward the furry menace, the moment Jason got within five feet of the bastard he would quickly use [b][Telepathy II][/b] to tell his comrades [color=darkred]'I'm here!'[/color], following up with another psychically boosted [b][War Cry I][/b] to draw Rattle's aggro. [center][color=darkred]"KNOW DESPAIR RATTLESKULL, FOR YOUR END HAS COME!!! [u]ROCK SPIRE-- EARTH'S WRATH!!!![/u]"[/color][/center] Once grabbing Rattleskull's attention, Jason quickly used the [b][Source Crystal][/b] to scan the cave boss before; as promised, rapid casting [b][Rock Spire I][/b] continuously (popping mana crystals as needed) until the furry fucker was dead.