Citadel --- Meeting Room As the conversation continued on the events prior, Tibrus nursed a small vile of red liquid. After Faye had sent her opponent through the warehouse roof by accident, the investigation had fallen downhill. Someone inside had decided to remove as much of the evidence as they could, explosively at that. One such explosion had sent rubble his way, and unluckily had flattened him to the ground. A larger piece of timber had struck his head, added to hitting his head on the ground put the Architect in quite the daze. The Enhancer potion he had taken earlier stopped him from blacking out but only just. His skull still throbbed but the elixir he was sipping would heal him completely, he simply needed to take it slow. The rest of the night had gone by in a blur after that which appeared to have gone somewhat poorly, though some crates did make it out untouched. So there was some evidence to be had. He listened in as the newcomer introduced herself and her purpose here. [color=a2d39c]"Truly so, miss Lumina? You'll have to write down the exact things that you were told for reference."[/color] He paused from forced wince, massaging his temple before turning to the Court Mage. [color=a2d39c]"Professor At his, give me another hour to heal and I can begin cataloging and looking though The crates we obtained. I can also deconstruct what some of the enhancers are distilled from. It might leave some clues to who made these, along side where these might of come from."[/color] With another wince Tibrus took a sip from the vile, taking a moment to collect himself before continuing. [color=a2d39c]"This will likely take some time for me to go through and it would be best I stayed here for now. I wasn't as of much help as I would have liked And for that I apologize."[/color] He sent a look to both Enishi and Faye at this." [color=a2d39c]"With this I'll be sure to find some more clues. But one thing we can't ignore is how large an operation this was. The warehouse was filled with many boxes like the ones we brought. There is a great deal of money being passed around, and I fear this investigation will travel far deeper than we anticipate."[/color] Practice Halls --- [color=7ea7d8]"Considering his arms would be hanging limply at his sides if they were out of his pockets, the child has a very good reason to seek aid." [/color]Kazudain walked up beside Thessir, but not so close to be shoulder to shoulder. He cast a glance at Thessir. [color=7ea7d8]"Using lightning magic I know the signs of nerve damage better than most, I had to heal myself from similar wounds while training."[/color] The man spoke casually as Maldur came up and sat on his haunches beside his master, looking at Thessir a moment before turning to clean his paw. [color=7ea7d8]"If we're going to be giving advice to each other after the bout then here is my advice to you. You need to grow further socially boy, your attitude as the winner is pitiful. Your skills may let you survive many a fight, but you won't get far in life. As for your comment earlier about all the lightning and tigers in the world won't save me from dying from a blade to the gut? You're not the first to use poison against me or stab me in the stomach and you won't be the last."[/color] And turned and began making his way out, he called over his shoulder. [color=7ea7d8]"Also, don't assume you can speak from the high ground when sheer luck won your battle today boy. You could have lost just as quickly had Maldur wished to."[/color] There was a flash and the entire hall, from floor to ceiling was covered in ice, Maldur's glowing eye staring straight into Thessir's own. In another flash it was gone, the pair leisurely walking out of the hall. Once out of the hall Kazudain strolled on his way to a medical station. The wounds were inconvenient at most but still better to deal with them. On the bright side, the pair could now explore the Kingdom at their own pace. [color=7ea7d8]"Hmm, maybe after I'm healed we'll check out the Princess' next match? I remember being told she uses Lightning magic as well. It would be interesting to see her skill level."[/color] Maldur gave a chuff and a shake of his head, causing Kazudain to bark out laughing, the noise echoing down the halls...