[@Altered Tundra] So I have a simple follow up question regarding the character's personality. This isn't meant to be anything other than curiosity. Since I've already changed it to something I'm still satisfied with, merely because I was able to fit everything in a more condensed space. I was told that my character's personality was considered too expansive. "Less is more" I was told, which seems to imply its not really about depth, more so the word count. My original word count was 318, a 10 words less than your own current word count. Presuming everyone is following the same rules. I know others may also have equal/longer word counts in future, since only a minimum was described in the CS, not a specific maximum. I know (or at least have to good-faith assumption) that the intention was implying my mentally burdened character had "too much going on" though I do still intend for that character to display such quirkiness in various ways. I simply didn't bog down my personality sheet by needing to explain them. Etc etc. I don't believe I ever had a problem with repeating myself/using too similar descriptions for padding sake. I was merely focusing on detail, when it probably is better to just show it anyway. Because I still intend my character to behave strangely until the other character mellows them out a bit which will be a direct character arc I hope to achieve. I was just curious on this, now that everyone has much more time to reflect on their character sheets. I hope since one delay has already proven to be necessary, this doesn't come off in anyway other than curiosity for asking. On the off-chance that somebody doesn't post their character sheet by that point. Are we moving forward regardless? (And just hoping those will eventually get around to it?) Will we wait/be put in hiatus for other (hopefully) more active participants? Etc. Still looking forward to getting the show on the road. ^_^ Edit: And duly noted.