Ah, it really was a pity how the snare just fell apart in his hands like that. Matteo sighed. [b]“Hmm. I suppose it’s supposed to be easy to remove,”[/b] he said out loud, studying the snare for another moment before dropping it and collecting their prize. [b]“I don’t know how to set the trap back up, so I can’t just put it back.”[/b] And just like that, they had a fluffy snack in hand. Not precisely a snack yet, Matteo reminded himself, but they had all the necessary ingredients (meat) and now they just needed something to cook it with. After they put some distance between themselves and the scene of the crime, of course. He did feel a little bad. But it was a faceless foe they’d just robbed, and it wasn’t as if they’d taken the snare as well. It could be re-tied and another rabbit would be caught in the trap again. Just to be safe, he’d rather get away first though. Unfortunately, his motivation and his muscle weren’t quite at the same level yet. The boy found himself puffing and panting as they plunged after Ash through the woods, lacking the physical endurance to keep up with the girls' pace. [b]“This might be a good place,”[/b] Matteo suggested, doubling over with his hands on his knees as they reached the muddy stream. He straightened up again, reaching up as if adjusting his lack-of-glasses. [b]“We should probably keep our strength up if we’re planning to scout out the fort. Where do you think it is, anyway?”[/b] He pulled out the rabbit and set it gingerly down before kneeling at the stream, cupping some of the brownish water in his hands. It looked like it would taste muddy, but he was thirsty. He had a feeling they would need something to burn if they wanted a fire. [b]"Should we collect some wood?"[/b] he asked Muu and Ash mildly, thinking that they probably wouldn't have to go too far. They were in the woods, after all.