[quote=@Master Bruce] [color=0076a3][b]If you could write as a [i]second character[/i], who would it be? Feel free to even mention characters who have already been claimed, this is all theoretical anyways so why not?[/b][/color] Daredevil would have easily been my choice. I got really excited about the concept that I'd developed for the UOU of a morally gray Murdock posing as Fisk's henchman, to the point that I'd planned to write it out in Create-A-Post. But my Batman commitments pretty much usurped any CAP stories I'd planned, and [@Roman] has done a good job in his short time as DD, so it's likely for the best that it didn't work out. Same with Spider-Man. If I hadn't been dead set on Bruce from the beginning, I'd have gunned hard for a college-aged version of Peter that'd have been significantly less interesting than what Henry's done with Gwen. I actually have a few different concepts for Spidey, including one where he's a 40 year old single dad, a much different take on Spider-Woman where it's my own spin on Peter and MJ's daughter who gets bit, and a version where Spider-Man is Nick Fury's Black-Ops style secret weapon for SHIELD after they accidentally gave him his powers. Then, of course, there's always the temptation to do my own High Schooler Spider-Man, re-arranging ideas from 616, Ultimate, the Raimi films and a few other places. But I think damn near [i]everyone[/i] has a Spidey concept they'd like to try, so until someone launches a Spider-Verse game or something, I don't think I'll be the only one looking to try concepts out for him for a long time. I have alot of ideas for my own version of Superman, a version of Wally West as The Flash that lines up with a Year One take, the Watchmen characters in modern times, a Dark Knight Returnsian Green Arrow, an Exorcist inspired Ghost Rider, a family man Punisher, and even an off-kilter Outsiders team that has nothing to do with Batman and is led by a more Iron Man inspired version of the Ted Kord Blue Beetle. But I could probably go on. Truth is, had someone else made UOU and taken Batman, I wouldn't have been lacking for ideas in either the DC or Marvel realm. [/quote] [URL=https://youtu.be/qDPDIwx3xK8]"Number three is Golden Age Batman, and number four is Post-Crisis Batman..."[/URL]