[center][h1][color=#87bff2]Katalina Johnson[/color][/h1] [img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/270775411/original.gif[/img] [I]Location: Xavier's Jet Skills: N/A [/I][/center] [hr][hr] Katalina looked over towards Miranda and gave her a friendly smile and nod. [color=#87bff2]"It will be nice to be working together."[/color] She said towards her as her attention turned over towards Charles and Ellie as the girl spoke in French. Which she did not even know or understand it at all which she didn't take up back in her school days. But the girl felt more like the weird wild child of the family as she shifted slightly in her seat and leaned back as they continued to go on their flight. Kat listened to Erik as he started to speak up and gave a slight nod towards him, noting the only exit and entrance to the facility would cause a bit of an issue of the alarms were to go off or something. [color=#87bff2]"So I guess we have to figure out a plan for once we get in, how are we going to get past the guard from the only entrance to the facility?"[/color] Katalina asked looking at them.