[center][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-KapbAch2ExM/Wmg2KfEoePI/AAAAAAAAGgY/cTlnvw00jZEYB3L6eGKPOq_w6A8JeFzSgCJoC/w265-h353-n/001[/img][/center] [center][color=peru][b]Morrigan Wren Asherah[/b][/color] | [i]Wandering in Wanderneir[/i][/center] [center][color=sienna][b]◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊[/b][/color][/center] [indent] The commotion continued in front of her. Beads of sweat were beginning to form near the temples of her face. How was she going to get out of this situation? [i]Acting court wizard under King Lancaster...[/i] But how was that possible. If he was true to his word, she needed to see proof. Morrigan would have to meet with him tomorrow and get more information from him. The weird knight said his final, ominous words before disappearing. Morrigan was surprised by how quick his beast was, but considering the knight himself- it probably wasn't new. Silence fell onto the awkward group once more. The mechanic whirring of the dwarf's golems and the dripping her her own blood filled Morrigan's head and soon overwhelmed her. [i]"This tavern here has very good ale,"[/i] Morrigan chipped in quickly, [i]"Fairly good price as well. I think the keeper would be fond of you as well."[/i] Pointing back towards a warm-glowing building where she came out of earlier before the attack. As she explained this, Morrigan began moving again. [i]"I must be going now,"[/i] Quickly glancing at the wizard, Arlo she directly spoke to him, "[i]I will be seeing you tomorrow morning."[/i] Without another glance she slipped away from the group, trying to place herself far into the shadows. Once she had rounded a corner, Morrigan began sprinting. She had stayed at a rundown, cheap inn near the outskirts of Wanderneir. The further away from these humans, the better it was for both Morrigan and the citizens. Cursing in a different language, she looked more closely at her wound. The bleeding was slowing down, but if she didn't want it to get infected, she needed to get it treated very soon. Continuing down the alleyways and shadows of the main roads, she made it without any interactions with the knights or any drunkard. Quietly entering the inn, she shifted past the innkeeper. The woman looked at her with horror, but did not say a word. [/indent]