[@Quote5] "Very well. If you have everything, is there anything you would like to do before we leave? Do you want to buy anything? I'm not sure what this station has to sell. Or, if you want, I can explain hyperspace theory before we leave and enter hyperspace." He loved science, but she didn't seem to be as interested as him. He didn't understand this. Why wouldn't someone wish to understand how the universe works? She hadn't been that interested in school recently. Maybe it was simple teenage rebellion. He'd have to research this. [@Candy] He wanted to respond with "actually, it's pronounced Le'zard, Commander Ma-mel.", but he didn't. It was never a good idea to antagonize the XO, especially on their first day. Bad first impressions and all that. "Actually, Ma'am, I believe it's a configuration error in the program. He reset the program and the comm system rebooted. Another quick test confirmed that the problem was fixed. "The station's quartermaster gave us a different model of equipment than we had. Driver conflict. It's fixed now." He stood up. "So, would you like to go get a cup of tea with me?"