[center][h1]Organization's and Relations[/h1][/center] [hr][hr] [right][h2]The Order of the Sacred Flame[/h2][/right] [hider=Order of the Sacred Flame] [right][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/8a1000bf-af27-46a8-9e7c-26292fbff867/d6luy2n-3f16ce40-6200-43b0-9887-95bb39722993.jpg/v1/fill/w_730,h_1095,q_70,strp/the_sacred_flames_by_ishutani_d6luy2n-pre.jpg[/img][/right] [i]There are none who remember when the Sacred Flame was first lit, none who remember when it last wavered in the wind. All that the people remember is the day when the Sacred Flame became but embers in its brazier, cinders in the wind.[/i] The Sacred Flame has been a long standing religious entity in the lands of Ioria and have long existed as a neutral party among the nations. Its first rise to power was in the early years of the war between the Humans and Elves, before the time of the Imperium and Eroammir. During this time the Sacred Flame was best known for its actions in settling conflicts between the Dwarven Clans in the Ghenna Mountains and, in doing so, earning itself recruits and followers. It was not long before that the Sacred Flame established their first monastery in the Farron Peak of the Mountains, soon lighting the Sacred Flame with magic now lost. As time went on the Sacred Flame established the Order, a division of its people who were more martial than religious and more than willing to settle the petty squabbles of others. The Order grew quickly in light of the ongoing war and, eventually, became the ones who ushered in the First Era with the uneasy truce between the two races. The Treaty of Farron is often believed to be the Order’s greatest move and its triumphant rise to fame. In the follow ages the Order settled many disputes ranging from land rights to claims of sabotage. As the nations of Ioria formed, so too did the Order’s many connections and treaties which have, to this day, provided them with free access to many kingdoms. However, it is believed that the peak of the Order has long since passed as a steady decline has been noted in willful recruits let alone those who would so willingly uphold their duty without bias. Most who serve the Order to this day come from long lines of soldiers having done so in the past or simply are lordlings looking to make a name for themselves or worse, as part of ‘tradition’. With their members stagnating and growing more placid as the years of gone by, the Order’s own attempts to get influence in the lands of Weirn have often been met with apathy at best, disgust at worst. The state of the Order has even led to the rumour that the leaders have begun allowing criminals, regardless of their crime, join in order to be ‘redeemed’ by the Sacred Flame [/hider]