[hr][hr] [center][color=yellow][h1]Torunn Thorsdottir[/h1][/color] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/ZwNgnnp7jffOg/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Torunn started to take in the sites as she looked around the weird gold looking dome that was around them, seeing what looked like golden gears around them as well as whatever transported them started to slow down and come to a stop. Then she stopped as her eyes looked over seeing the opening of the dome as she noticed the rainbow looking bridge that connected them from where they were at now to the massive looking city before her. Torunn felt like she recognized it, but she also felt like it was also very foreign to her somehow as well, when she looked over at Lochila. Seeing the outfit of her mother suddenly changing, and then a cloak over her shoulders as well made her take a step back, she felt disoriented and very confused as to what was going on. [color=yellow]"Whats going on?"[/color] Torunn asked looking up at her mother having a feeling that this was all a very weird dream. [color=yellow]"Where are we?"[/color] She asked again looking at the large looking city in front of her in the distance looked magnificent as well.