[@Hokum] [pre]I STILL DON’T KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON HELP[/pre] [h3]/accessing memorybank/[/h3] [h3]/creating new memory[/h3] [h3]///STARTING MEMORY RECORDING. . .[/h3] [center]DAY 3, YEAR UNKNOWN, DATE UNKNOWN[/center] --------------------------/ No answer was given to his questions. SAM had little to no time to recalibrate himself before another speaker voice was screeching at him. The voice informed him of where he was; the personal ship of the man that he was previously queried about. There wasn’t enough time to ask how he got here or what the “unexplained anomalies” are, as he was now asked to assert his name and what he was planning on doing. Those were easy to answer; SAM, and getting the hell out of here. But before he could answer, he was interrupted. A tap, then a grip, came over his shoulder. He turned around and saw none other than that same Fanny May, with the same lab coat she had when he blacked out for the second time. SAM’s sense of reality, his mind, were further fractured. He went blank, almost not paying attention to her message telling him to be cautious about what he says. SAM’s journey so far was comprised of confusion, passing out and then more confusion. He is slowly becoming desensitized to the absolute insanity of these current events. Slowly. He takes a while to formulate a response, but he manages to string together a synopsis of his point of view. [code]”My name is SAM and I have no intentions here, I do not know how I got here or why I am here. I woke up in this ship after I fell unconscious, and I do not know what is going on. If you don’t mind explaining the current situation as best you can, I would be appreciative of that.”[/code] Hopefully, the derangement ends here and he can finally get his damned clothes back and go home. [h3]///ENDING MEMORY RECORDING. . .[/h3]