[color=007236][center][h1][u][b]ULTFIC[/b][/u][/h1][/center][/color] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMzNkMjk4ZjktZWFjNy00NzkzLWFiMDctNjM4NWY0MzY4NTUwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDYwMTg2ODk@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,840,1000_AL_.jpg[/img] [/hider] Ultfic laid peacefully in his bed sleeping off his hard fought battle earlier in the day. He could feel the pain of soreness all over him, as if his body was punishing him for putting it through such a fight. Breathing in deeply he could feel the sleep begin to take him as the world around him began to fade away giving light to the dreams of his mind. He could see himself, albeit a much younger man version, standing in a forest with a face he had not seen in a long time. It was his old teacher and the former captain of the guard. Becoming horrified when he realized what was coming next. This was the day that he let his master die in the forest and day he was tasked with protecting the royal family with his life. He watched as a group of raiders came flying out from the trees to attack them. The fight was just as he had remembered it going with his master putting up a impressive fight only to be cut down before his eyes. After seeing his master be stabbed through the gut he shot awake taking deep breaths sweating worse than when he was in the arena. He wiped his face and realized he had been crying in his sleep. He chuckled slightly saying [color=007236]“He'd have my head for crying over him.”[/color] getting out of his bed he walked around the room for a minute trying to steady himself. Looking outside his window he could see the sky pouring down onto the streets below with the occasion crack of thunder the would illuminate the city before him. He hoped that his men had found their way back to the keep by this point and that he wouldn't have to haul their drunken asses back in the rain. Just as he had turned around he heard what sounded like running coming from the hall outside his door. Curious of the commotion he peered outside and into the hallway catching a garden that looked to be in a hurry. [color=007236]“What is all the running for and why do you look scared out of your boots.”[/color] slightly shaking the guard replied [color=007236]“nothing for you to worry about sir please return to your room.”[/color] the guard clearly had no idea who he was talking to but Ultfic decided it was best to find out himself. That was of course until he heard the sound of a cream coming from deep in the city. Running back inside he quickly grabbed his sword and armor and ran towards the city. He had passed a couple of exodus guards who were clearly not prepared for such and emergency as he made his way closer and closer to the source of the scream. As he drew closer he could hear the sounds of yelling and of a roaring beast. Ultfic froze with horror when he rounded the corner. It was bear that looked almost like it was an undead creature sent from hell itself. He had remembered hearing stories of such creatures but he had never seen one like this in person. Shaking it off he was prepared to fight when he saw his best friend solveig rush at the bear like a true warrior driving his ax deep into the monsters shoulder clearly hurting it and possibly even killing the damned thing. He almost laughed at himself knowing that Solveig would never let him hear the end of how he “saved the city from a bear.” Ultfic began to walk towards his friend when the in lighting speed the bear awoke and clamped down on Solveig’s neck dragging him to the ground. There were screams and yelling that filled the street but everything went blank for ultfic. He stood there as he saw the street be filled with more blood as Solveig’s eye looked at him as the life was pulled out of him. Ultifcs vision went red as the world's around him came back as he let out a roar that would haunt even the most seasoned warriors nightmares as made a move to charge the bear. He cared not for his own safety just the vengeance he would have for his friend's death. Exodus guards seeing and hearing he tried to grab him by the arms and stop him but he would not have any of it as he slipped through there grasp placing a punch into one's gut and kick to the other. Seeing his reckless behavior some of his own men ran and hooked him by the arms as he tied to break free. Having enough of it one of them smacked Ultfic in the back of the head with the hilt of a sword knocking him unconscious as they dragged him away from the fight towards a tavern.