[@Cao the Exiled] I usually do roll 4d6 drop the lowest, but alot of 5e players i've met prefer point buy, so i thought it'd be better received on the forum. Feels wierd, right xD? [@ERode] Hi! Yes, feel free to jump into character making now! I'm sorry about the wait on the OOC, I was considering splitting into two smaller groups so the combats would move quicker. I'd be curious to hear how people feel about that. [@ScreenAcne][@Asura][@Cao the Exiled][@Lauder][@ERode][@Torack] I actually have a question for everyone, do we want to form some basic relationships prior to the launch of IC? Or do you prefer a group thrust together by circumstance? I've also been thinking about how to tackle the RP launch, and I feel like I should get your opinions on it. I was going to condense the prologue into one post so the party start almost immediately in Barovia. The reason I want to do this is that often play by post can get bogged down initially and I want to get into the meat and potatoes of the roleplay as soon as possible. My worry is, if we play through the prologue the way I would do it at the table, it could take weeks or a month of just hanging out in a tavern/town and talking in the standard d&d setting before we even get to the Curse of Strahd areas. This isn't necessarily a bad thing as the roleplay encounters of getting the initial job can help soldify the "we are an adventuring party" dynamic rather then "we are a bunch of people who kind of have a goal but haven't committed yet" awkwardness. We'd start to see character relationships and bonds emerge. But I think that stuff can also just happen in Barovia anyway. It might mean the first post is a bit jarring or doesn't flow well, but it would have the benefit of moving stuff along quicker. What are your thoughts? I am very happy to do the traditional adventure hooks if not, get into it slowly, enjoy the journey so to speak, if you guys prefer. It will just enlarge our timeline a little ;)