[hider=Ana] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmZlZDU1Mi5RMmhoY20wLC4w/fontdinerdotcom-luvable.regular.png[/img] [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/c59d/f/2015/260/1/2/gloves_by_kr0npr1nz-d99wdpv.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Anastasia Pride [b]Alias:[/b] Charm [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Alignment:[/b] Hero [b]Loyalty:[/b] Protectorate [b]Appearance:[/b] Anastasia’s lightly tanned skin gives her an exotic look when paired with her smooth skin. She gives off a feel of innocence and youth (though the innocence part couldn’t be further from the truth), her eyes always looking off into space as she thinks, like a child looking to the sky. Ana’s head is covered in a thick mess of charcoal black hair left to drape over her shoulders and back, Ana never really got into the swing of taming her mane but at least she cleans it now. As for the rest of Ana, she has a slim but very lean build, being on the taller side standing at 5’11. On first glance she doesn’t look that impressive, you’d not notice the muscle she’s packing until she flexed or exerted herself. She does have an energy about her, like she’s always ready to go. As for clothes Ana likes it simple, flat colour shirts and jeans are her go to clothing when going out, though at home you’ll catch her in tracksuit pants and comfy tops. Onto Anastasia’s costume. She again wanted it to be something simple, but still something that could stand out on it’s own. A black lambskin leather jumpsuit was chosen, it’s form fitting sleekness and shiny texture managing to stand up while being simple. As for her head she wears a bright yellow motorcycle helmets with cat ears. And to finish things off a upside down black S under the left ear. [hider=Costume] [img]http://static.wixstatic.com/media/73b516_88ed3ee497a7448899fabec871d55cca.png/v1/fill/w_363,h_642,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/73b516_88ed3ee497a7448899fabec871d55cca.png[/img] [/hider] [b]History:[/b] [hider=History] [h1]Alone in the dirt[/h1] Torn rags for clothes and cold stale bread for food, this was how Anastasia had to start out her life. Being a child left on the street to fend for herself, with nothing but a blanket and box to her name. Though it wasn’t like she could use these things being just a few weeks old, if not for the homeless she would have died. But they couldn’t bring her up to the standards society would accept. Anastasia wasn’t a healthy child, making it to the age of 1 by some kind of miracle. This was around the time Scion appeared, though Anastasia was far too young to be concerned with something like that. [h1]Making ends meet[/h1] The next few years were surprisingly less rough. She was still never healthy, but she retained the boundless energy all toddlers seem to possess. This made her fellow street rats smile, the sight of a child playing is always a happy one, even if you live on sunflower seeds and stale bread. By the age of 5 Ana was already learning how to be a thief. And she got good at it, while not making insane wealths of money from it she was able to taste fresh bread and lemonade for the first time. Though a full time job as a thief at the age of 7 was quite stressful and she quickly grew to dislike it, people telling her to go out and steal even when she was tired. It didn’t take long for her to start traveling alone. Though she’d still leave money out for those who raised her, she knew she owed them. [h1]A kind soul[/h1] Anastasia had been scraping along for 2 years now. Using the skills she’d learned to survive on the streets, though with heroes being a thing now she needed to be a little more vigilant. The last thing she wanted was to be locked up and get told off for what she did. She didn’t steal because it was fun - she did it because she needed to. Ana was on her usual route, lots of well off people hung around this area. Money being wasted on trivial things they really didn’t need. Though this trip was anything but usual. This time she found herself confronted by a girl Ellie, this girl wasn’t even much older than her yet she had this aura of maturity. And the pair hit it off, becoming close friends. It had hardly been a week when Ellie invited her to live with her. Ana had no idea what to say, but she wasn’t going to refuse an offer like this. She’d waited so long for something like this, she still couldn’t believe it. Anastasia and Ellie went from friends to family within a month, Ellie even made Ana a little gem necklace to commemorate the occasion. Nothing could split this pair apart, well nothing except for Ellie’s tinkering time, Ana knew better than to bother Ellie while she was working. [h1]Behemoth[/h1] Ana was profoundly pleased with her new sister, and for the majority of the three years they had been together she’d felt happy. Then Behemoth came. Anastasia was twelve at the time and the fear this creature brought was sure to fuel her nightmares. The magnitude of the destruction and the horrifying amount of lives lost was almost unheard of. Though while Ana was shaken by these events she noticed a…[i]change[/i] in her sister. Something about this tragedy had made Ellie more confident, more mature, more… Awesome! [h1]My sister the hero[/h1] She’d done it. Ellie had actually gone and become a superhero, Ana was just so shocked that her big sister went out and fought crime! How cool was that!? All those hours in the workshop had finally paid off for Ellie and Ana couldn’t have been more happy for her big sister. In fact Anastasia wouldn’t stop pestering L about all her adventures out in the city. She even asked to come along, given that she’d lived on the streets for 7 years she knew her way around. Ellie obviously refused Ana’s offers. It was far too dangerous for Ana to go out with L, what if some punks tried to beat them up? Ana wouldn’t know how to defend herself using the many gadgets L did. Well at least that was the argument Ellie persuaded Ana with, and while she didn’t like being told what to do, she knew her sister knew what was best. [h1]Lost and found[/h1] [i][color=gold]Where is she?... I know some nights she comes home late...[/color][/i] I shook my head, Ellie was fine I was overreacting she would back soon. Everything would be fine. A sigh escaped my lips as I rubbed my necklace trying futility to calm myself, [color=gold]”No.”[/color] I stood up fists clenched. This wasn’t right she was out there somewhere and she was in trouble while all I’m doing is sitting here on my ass worrying about it, I have to go look for her. I quickly threw on a hoodie and slipped out of the house making sure to tuck a spare key under the doormat, sure it’s not the best place to hide it but I’m not going to be gone that long. I know this city like the back of my hand, finding Ellie won’t take me long at all. [hr] If she’s anywhere it would be around here, this was the shadiest part of town and I can’t imagine anywhere but the worst would keep my sister out this long. Ellie would’ve called home if she was in the hospital so she had to still be out here somewhere. [i][color=gold]Check the alleys first, that’s where the scum lurk.[/color][/i] I rounded the corner slowly only peeking down the alleyway, it was empty. I let out a sigh of relief that I didn’t even know I was holding, I hadn’t even noticed how tight my chest was I. I was afraid. I’d been so caught up with the worry for my sister I’d neglected to think on my own safety. But that didn’t matter now; I was out here to find my sister and that’s what I was going to do. Then I felt myself forced to the ground, a pressure squeezing the back of my neck keeping me held down to the ground. I took in a breath and went to scream, but before I could muster a sound a heavy boot found its way into my side; knocking the wind out of me and flipping me onto my back. My ribs throbbed as the very same boot placed itself firmly onto my chest and stopped me from getting to my feet, the hard sole digging into my sternum. The daunting figure loomed over me a man from the looks of it, but the glare from the street light made his face impossible to see. I struck his leg with my arms struggling to get his foot off me; it was clear my strikes could be felt, but whatever pain they brought wasn’t enough to get the man off her. I was wheezing and grunting as I tried to gather enough air into my lungs so I could cry out for help, but as if the man had sensed my plan he pulled back his fist and sent a punch right into my face. Dazed and winded I felt myself being dragged further into the alleyway by the scruff, the man’s fat fingers making sure I wouldn’t be able to get away. I had no time to think, I had to strike now while he still thought I was too weak to move. I lurched my head forward and bit onto the man’s hand sinking my teeth in as hard as I could. “Gah fuck! You stupid little bitch!” The man roared and threw against a wall, my back slamming against the hard bricks with enough force to rattle my bones. I slumped against the cold wall as the mugger came and rammed his fist into my face again, I felt my jaw crack as my face hit the pavement. Too dazed to try and resist anymore I felt hands diving through my jacket pockets looking for anything of of value. I could hear him growl as his search yielded him nothing, then a hand came into view. It had a bit of blood coming off it from where I’d bitten it, I heard a few grumbled curses as the hand came for my neck. I was dead. He was going to choke me to death, he was. No. No! The muggers filthy hand wrapped itself around my necklace, the one item I have that means something to me. And he’s going to take it! I wanted to scream, I wanted to attack, but my body wasn’t listening to me. I could only watch as this barbarian ripped my necklace off, the thing Ellie made for me to welcome me into her family… I didn’t get long to lament it’s loss as the brute delivered a kick to my stomach, my body curling up around his foot. I endured a few more frenzied kicks before the mugger was done with me, “Fucking cow!” A glob of spit crashed into my cheek as the man turned away and ran off down deeper into alley disappearing into the darkness. Out of all the things the thug had just done to me, the kicks punches and insults. Nothing hurt as much as seeing the first thing I’d even been given by my sister, the item that embodied the beginning of our sisterhood. Taken to be sold off for some quick cash, buy some thug who didn’t know it’s worth. I don’t to find Ellie anymore, telling her that I lost the necklace I… I don’t know if I can do that... [h1]Super sisters[/h1] Life was very different now.. Though her sister helped her through the hard initial transition. And Ellie, being the practical person she was, decided that Ana could help her out with crime fighting now. At least that’s what Ana would tell you, in actuality she spent a few days nagging at her sister about it. Thus the mighty duo was born! Fister and Crafter! And they were a great team, quickly kicking a considerable amount of ass. Ana actually kinda enjoyed helping her sister fight crime. I mean how could she not enjoy it? She loved the stories L told her about how she beat bad guys and helped clean the streets. But now she got to live the stories alongside her sister. Ana didn’t have that hint of worry hearing of her sister fighting thugs, because now she stood with her to make sure it was all ok. These were probably the greatest years of Ana’s childhood. [h1]Wards? Alright...[/h1] [hider=Sister “talk”] Elle stood in the middle of her workshop with a determined look on her face and her hands on her hips. Beside her was a whiteboard she normally used for complex formulas but today was wiped clean and was being used for faster communication. [I]I want us to join the Wards. [/I] She'd written it after literally dragging Ana from the couch. Ana sat on the couch and looked between the board and Elle, tilting her head slightly as she slowly read the writing. [color=gold]"The wards! Are you kidding me!? This is a joke right?"[/color] Ana knew this wasn't a joke letting out a groan before Elle could start writing on the board. [color=gold]"Yeah, no thank you. Last thing we need is a bunch of adults telling us what to do."[/color] Elle waved her arm in irritation, a frequent gesture she used in place of words to indicate her displeasure. [I]We get paid. Benefits. Support. I get all the parts I want. They're doing real good, A, and not struggling. [/I] She paused before adding to it. [I]I want this. [/I] She frowned. [I]I [s]want[/s] need this. [/I] [color=gold]"Even if they did give us money and parts and things, it's not like we'd be allowed to use it how we want or anything. They're a bunch of softies L. They'll breath down our necks while we try and do our thing. We don't need em."[/color] Ana met Elle's frown with her own, crossing her arms to further show her adamancy. Elle stomped her foot as pouted at her sister. [I]I don't think either of us wants a repeat of the night before you triggered. They can help. They can't stop me from tinkering anyways. Tinkers are valuable. Eventually someone's going to just take me, A.[/I] Ana's shoulders slumped at the mention of that night. [color=gold]"C-come on... You didn't have to mention that..."[/color] Ana's arms fell apart slowly and she gritted her teeth. [color=gold]"Wait no! You can't guilt me into this! That was before I was able to protect you! If someone comes for you, now they gotta get through me! We're good as we are now!"[/color] Ana's top lip trembled as she though back on how beaten her sister had been... Never again. [I]You can't protect me from everyone. And with that monster attacking....I want to help, A. And I can't like this. We're not doing enough! We need to do more. We need to [/I] the sentence trailed off as she stared at the board. Ana bit her lip as she read the stuff being written on the board. O-of coarse she'd not be able to protect Ellie from that thing, Ana didn't think anything could defend someone from those things if they had their sights on something... [color=gold]"B-but we're doing plenty! W-we're the super sisters!"[/color] Ana's voice was a little shaky at this point. Ana at this point knew Elle was right, as she always was… [I]It's not enough. [/I] Elle turned around, her face serious, as she changed to signing. [Color=4863a0]Everyday there's more villains. More threats. Together we're stronger. So together with others we're even more strong. [/Color] Ana's head hung low now though she kept her eyes on L so she could see her signs. [color=gold]"I... But... How do I know they'll treat you properly..."[/color] Ana felt herself fidget as she thought of people not treating her sister well, the brief thoughts re-kindling a fire in her. [color=gold]"No I can't I just can't!"[/color] Ana stood up and looked at Ellie's serious expression and furrowed her brow. The air was tense for a moment, but Ana wasn't able to keep herself together. Letting out a final sigh she slumped over in defeat. [color=gold]"Gah fine... You win, we'll join the stinking wards..."[/color] Elle bounced across the room with a mixture of smugness and relief. [Color=4863a0] Great! We have a meeting tomorrow, then![/color] she signed before pulling Ana into a hug. Ana just stood there and accepted the hug, grumbling to herself as slowly returned Ellie's hug. [color=gold]"Guess I better have a shower then, be nice and clean for-... Wait a second."[/color] Ana tightened her hug turning it into more of a grapple. [color=gold]"You already had this planned didn't you!"[/color] Ana raised L off the ground and slowly walked her over towards the couch, glaring up at her sister. Elle just grinned, sticking her tongue out in defiance as she tried to squirm her way free. Ana growled as L poked out her tongue and raised her a little higher. [color=gold]"Now you're going to get it!"[/color] Ana yelled before tossing L into the couch pillows. [/hider] [h1]Missing sis[/h1] Two years the sisters had been Manifold and Charm, the Ward siblings. And Ana had loved every moment of it, but all things have to end at some point. And by order of the protectorate, Ellie was to graduate from the wards under a new hero name, Manifold. While Ana had to sit back and stay as Charm for the next two years until she could graduate. It goes without saying that Ana was not a fan of this. She was meant to be there to help her sister. That’s how it had always been. It’s how it was meant to be. But it wasn’t how it was going to be. Ana was going to have to work separately from her big sis, while they sometimes she did get paired up, those times were fairly uncommon. While Ana still got to see Ellie when they were both not on the job, things just felt a little different now that they weren’t cleaning the streets together. Now all she had to look forward to was her martial arts training, she was used to being alone in those, but it still didn’t feel the same. [h1]Graduation[/h1] Finally! It was time to graduate! Time to be the dynamic duo! The power pair! The super sisters, once again! It was good to be back with Ellie, though Ana wouldn’t admit it. Something about them working together just felt right. Ana decided to keep the name Charm, much to the annoyance of her sister. And while it was good to be back with her sis, Ana couldn’t help but notice the abundance of cute boys. Some of which had costumes that left very little to the imagination. And hey, some of the girls weren’t half bad either. Ana was going to enjoy chatting some of theses people up, even if it was just to get on her sisters nerves. [/hider] [center][h3][b]Personality[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Motivations:[/b] Anastasia just wants to help clean up the streets, be it filthy criminals or actual rubbish. Some people have to live on the streets you know. [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual/Bi-curious [b]Likes:[/b] [list][*] Romance [*] Flirting [*] Innuendos [*] Fighting [*] Jokes [*] Fire [*] Cats [*] Motorcycles [*] Her Motorcycle [*] Rock music [*] Badass animals (includes dinosaurs) [*] Sunflower seeds [*] Great fucking pizza[/list] [b]Dislikes:[/b] [list][*] Rich pricks [*] Littering [*] Bossy people [*] People using her full name [*] Don’t touch her motorcycle [*] Precaution [*] Stale bread [*] Any kind of conversation that involves her not being blood related to Ellie [*] Stealing[/list] [color=gold]”That’s mine, don’t you touch it.”[/color] [b]Derangement:[/b] Ana’s derangement makes her get overly attached to things, mostly material things, like say her motorcycle for example. While this attachment doesn’t happen often when it does happen it happens [b]hard[/b]. Unless you’re someone she trusts greatly she’ll not take kindly to you being near the things she attaches herself to, very quickly getting angry if you damage or dirty said cherished object, to the point where she will get violent. [center][h3][b]Parahumanism[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Skills:[/b] Ana has a few things she’s skilled at, firstly is her insane skills on a motorcycle, tearing it up on the streets is one of her favorite things to do after all. Ana’s fearless nature leads to some pretty ridiculous motorcycle acrobatics, think stuff like sliding under trucks. Ana has Black belt in Judo. Her reason for picking Judo is so she can restrain people using her enhanced strength, and the myriad of throws, grapples and pins of Judo are perfectly suited to that. Ana also got herself a yellow belt in Aikido because it also focus’ on restraining an opponent while also protecting them from harm. Using defensive moves along with holds and joint locks. Ana decided to learn a little bit of Taekwondo just in case she needed to apply a little more brute force to her attacks, though this may not happen often she prefers to be prepared for such an event. She has impressive sleight of hand skills having picked them up when she was out on the streets. It was one of the things that helped her survive. Though she can’t pickpocket as well as she used to due to her enhanced strength and completely numb body. Though things like swapping cups and card tricks are child's play for her, quite literally in some cases. Ana also learned sign language so she could help translate for her sister when she goes silent. Though Ana doesn't always translate exactly what L is saying, just because it's fun to piss off her sister. [b]Classification:[/b] Striker | Brute [b]Details:[/b] Ana has the ability to anchor herself to an object and turn it into a voodoo doll of sorts, and this doll grants her strengthening abilities based on how close she is to the object 0m minimum range - 100m maximum range. She can assign an anchor through touch and may only have one anchor at a time. First of all her body mimics the condition of the item she’s linked herself with so if the item is undamaged her body will regenerate until it is also undamaged, the rate at which she regenerates speeds up the closer she is to the object, letting her recover from a broken arm in about 30 seconds when she’s in direct contact with her anchor. Along with the healing Ana also gains more strength when she’s around her anchor able to lift 10 tonnes when in direct contact with her anchor. This strength also allows Ana to run at speeds up to 55 mph. Finally Ana gains immense durability the closer she is to her anchor, this helps her tank hits from things like explosions or car crashes, mostly blunt trauma things. [b]Limitations:[/b] All of Ana’s power drastically weakens when she’s away from her anchor slowly decreasing to only slightly above the average human when past the maximum distance, additionally if you damage her anchor you damage her as well with a wound that cannot be healed until she unasigns or reassigns a new anchor. While she is very resistant to blunt attacks piercing weapons like bullets still bypass her defences, slashing attacks work too just not as well as piercing ones. [b]Equipment:[/b] Anastasia’s equipment is designed to accommodate her and is made to sustain a large amount of damage. This said her equipment isn’t cheap to produce, like her custom designed Motorcycle helmet. This helmet comes with a built in communication device and some cute cat ears on the top. Ana also has an earpiece in case her helmet gets destroyed. Now a helmet wouldn’t be much good without a bike to go with it. Ana has a few rules when it comes to her bike, and all of them involve pain for you if you touch it. Her bike is probably the only piece of equipment she tries to keep in one piece, and not because it’s expensive. She still gives her poor bike many scratches and dents, but she makes sure to fix up her beautiful motorcycle. Courtesy of her sister L, Ana has augments in her wrists that coat her forearms and fists in fire. It’s mostly just used for intimidation, of just to be the most badass bitch in town. [hider=My precious] [img]http://windows10wallpapers.com/bmw-s1000rr-carbon-fibre-motorcycles-1920x1200-wallpaper502158.jpg [/img] [/hider] [/hider]