Raymond continued to watch from a distance, keeping his focus even though he was beyond exhausted. She seemed fine, though, after all of this. Raymond held back bitterness, it wasn't her fault. There was something missing here. How did the Ulnar get their hands on this person, and why was the Committee so hellbent on getting her back? The Captain nodded to Rae's advice and own comments about the girl's status. [color=blue]"Just keep an eye on her, Rae... There's something off about this whole situation, Aamara is sending a report now, and I won't have kind words to them when I speak to the Committee in person. Just, make sure she doesn't touch anything. I know she's a kid but there's a reason why the Ulnar kept her a secret.[/color] Valanx's voice then came through the comms system, and Ray sighed in frustration. He had forgotten about the pod, and didn't mean to leave the scientist alone with it. [color=blue]"Copy that, I'll be over in a second."[/color] He pushed off the wall and looked at Tony and Rae. [color=blue]"Don't take your eyes off her. I'm sure there's something for her to eat in Anderson's rations."[/color] He said with a hint of sadness. It wasn't supposed to be passive aggressive, he was just tired of it all. He entered the Berean's room and was always surprised about how it was all an organized mess of equipment, wires, and other tech. Some of the things Raymond knew, but others he would be lost. He found the science officer looking at a dismantled pod that he saw about an hour ago with a computer. [color=blue]"Damn, you work fast. Anything pop out at you?"[/color] Raymond asked, going over to the computer and entering his Captain's code to unlock otherwise restricted tools from the team. He was curious what Valanx found. [@Sedjwick]