He got the nod from Britta and took from it that she had a complete understanding of their responsibilities. Isaac was not seeing her as Corporal to Private, but Gunner to Gunner on this. It was important - nay, vital - to think in that way. Having no words, but silent acknowledgement, of where they stood gave him some comfort. But to move on now...Isaac could tell he was gonna like Jonnie. Once he realized that the two Lances were normal people and not like, say, Lieutenant Middleton, he calmed down and addressed them like a pair of new friends. Well, if they were all working together and they were all against ramrod-stupid military officers who didn't know what they were doing, they may as well BE friends. Isaac chuckled at the comment Jonnie made about how Sergeants expect you to behave. [color=f7941d]"I never kissed any ass. The Sergeant knew that I didn't wanna be there, so he was never gonna get the time of day. So, we both agreed that if he'd just do his job, I'd do mine, and that seemed satisfy him."[/color] There was more to it than that. The Sergeant in question didn't really want to create more ire than was needed. He wanted Isaac angry, not trying to actively tear into him. Getting his compliance by holding back was as effective as laying into someone with a real insubbordination problem. It got results. That's all that really mattered. The only thing that bothered him after that - and being drafted in the first place, of course - was that his Sergeant in basic started using him as an example to the other men, saying 'That man gets the idea. He wants to [i]live![/i] What's [i]your[/i] excuse?'. So, rather ironically, Isaac ended up making his training group a little more disciplined and dedicated. Strange... Anyway, with Jonnie offering to be an ammo man for him and Britta, Isaac gave him a thumb's up of approval, saying [color=f7941d]"I'll remember that."[/color], just as several more of their charges came up to them with introductions. They were [i]all[/i] young, weren't they? Nobody here was about 20 years of age, and that was actually quite shocking. Paloma was very energetic. Standing among them all like this, it made Isaac half-think it was like a more pleasant gathering at home or in town, even though that was not the case. Paloma seemed like your friendly-neighborhood helper and spreader of curious news, not the Shocktrooper that her insignia implied. Isaac hoped she was ready for this. He'd seem what the troopers had to do. More than likely, the cover fire was going to be needed for her own attacks, to make sure that she and her ilk remained alive. [i][color=f7941d]Damn stupid war... The Imperials need a fucking hobby.[/color][/i] A hobby that wasn't war, that is. Isaac shook hands if they were offered from those who came up, and he said [color=f7941d]"Just Isaac will do, unless the Lieutenant moans about it."[/color], before Jean mentioned that they didn't have to salute Lance-Corporals. [color=f7941d]"They don't? Good. I don't feel like a superior officer, anyway. I'd rather have someone's trust. I think we'll all do fine if we stick together, watch each other's backs."[/color] That was for the benefit of all, but also to help Jean with that sudden lack of confidence he seemed to be having and wanting to break away from. However, things suddenly took a sudden swerve in the 'HUH???' direction as Middleton spoke out, saying they had to get their gear and rears in motion, because they were moving out in fifteen minutes. What the hell happened? The war couldn't wait another two hours? Hmmm...guess not. So, what followed was everyone gathering and heading out for the site. It was not pleasant, getting there. Rain, grim silence, distant sounds of battle... It was too soon. He'd barely gotten to know these people, people whose lives he wanted to keep from being snuffed out, and that he would entrust to do the same. Here they were, stuffed into the trenches with people who stank like...who stank like... Well, we're gonna be honest here, this wasn't all that unusual to Isaac. He lived on a farm. There was rank animal smell there that outranked any general, especially if it was his turn to clean up after their stock. That much...wasn't as bothersome. However, Jean's line about combat virginity kind of felt wrong to him. [color=f7941d]"Ah, don't call it that. We're all graduates of the School of Kicking the Arse of Other People. We've all tested well, gotten our grades, and today's our first day on the job."[/color] He had his gun out, looking over the battlefield as he even managed a smile. [color=f7941d]"Let's show them the spirit of the Class of 1914."[/color]