While Narsi was transforming, Lorag did not do perhaps what she had been expecting. Instead of preparing to transform himself, or even just grabbing a weapon, Lorag simply grabbed a pair of steel gauntlets, and had just finished tightening them when Narsi's body finished its transformation. He was only wearing basic clothing, apart from the gauntlets, so he appeared to be entirely unprepared to fight a transformed werewolf. Narsi, even being an underfed juvenile, was still a far stronger, faster, and deadly being than any normal mortal form, save for a few, more bestial types of Khajiit. Even a hardened warrior like Lorag could not be expected to match a transformed werewolf physically, yet he made no effort to try and further even the odds. "Hmph, looks like you're still barely better than an animal at this point. Your mother was right to make you wait, at least outside a clan. Like I said, though, things are different here. At least it still looks like you're still [i]you[/i] in that head of yours, so this still might be worth somethin'." Lorag said before finally giving some attention to their onlookers. "Girl could go feral, so be ready to get her under control. Just don't interrupt the fight, for any reason. If she manages to kill me...then make sure she gets back to her mother in one piece." All at once, Lorag's full attention was on Narsi. He went from a vaguely apathetic expression, to one of singular focus. His eyes read every slight movement she made just as one would read a book. Slowly, he cracked his knuckles and took up a fighting stance. "Here that, girl? I just gave you free reign to try and kill me. So...try me." [hr] Kaleeth continued to hug her father for a time, if only so he could not see the conflict in her expression. She knew that she could not stay as he wanted, but she did not know how she could tell him so without hurting him. A part of her wanted to find a way to change the subject, but she also had a feeling that it would just make matters worse to allow him to continue to believe she would for any longer. [i]"I...I can't come back father. I mean, I can't stay."[/i] Kaleeth said, her head still buried into Zharan's shoulder. She sobbed more loudly, while her father's expression became distinctly disappointed, and with a certain amount of anger. [i]"And why not? You are here now, with your people where you belong. There is no life out there that would be better than what you could have here. A Saxhleel should live in connection with the Hist, and not you, nor your son can have that anywhere outside our homeland. There is a place for you here, with your father who has wanted nothing more than to have his family again."[/i] Zharanthixil said, surprisingly keeping his voice calm despite his expression. Kaleeth, however, could not bear to look him in the eye from the guilt that was evident in her face.