[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/z6cC6JC.png[/img][/center] Alicia kept up a stern expression as Sylvia explained the situation at the cathedral. That was good, though she did have to agree that things might escalate if they decided to run for it. It was too bad that this didn't appear to be a live feed, as that meant the situation could have changed significantly since they were first alerted to this attack. the problems of not being a free and loose single agent. It was something she had gotten used to. Rising to her feet, she nodded to Sylvia. "Alright guys, you heard her. We're going to take the cathedral. Let's go." She turned and strode for the exit, wasting little time when peoples lives were at risk. She figured she was more suited for battling flying enemies, and the wide open spaces of the stadium meant that Penny could go wild with her weaponry. It was a win for everyone, so long as they were victorious. Initially heading for the front door, she caught herself and quickly shifted paths. She kept forgetting that the teleporters were a thing, and that they could be used for traveling between more than just Beacon locations. It certainly made deployment a lot easier, when she could remember to use it. Moving on to the teleporter pads, she waited for the rest of her team to join with her so they could get on their way. Janet did so fairly quickly, which left only Summer. "Ready to save the day?" she asked her team, looking forward to this even with the danger. Nodding to the guards who kept an eye on the pads, she activated the magic as they vanished from the base and were sent to their destination in a flash of light. Now they just had to hope that things hadn't horribly fallen apart while the briefing had been going on as they arrived at the cathedral. [@Ariamis][@DarkwolfX37][@Shifter_Master]