Jeremy Lindall blinked awake, the sound of the doorbell easily breaking through the light sleep he'd drifted into. Yawning, he lifted his face out of the puddle of drool that had begun to pool on his desk, sitting in the middle of... "Ah, shit." Even though he'd heard the bell, he delayed answering the door in favour of sprinting to the bathroom. Within seconds, he was back in the study, towel in hand, and wiping it over the puddle so the water wouldn't damage any of the machinery scattered just a few centermeters from the edge of it. It wasn't until this task was done that he decided it was safe to leave, turning his attention back to the door. Stumbling over to the door, he realised how he must've looked. He hadn't shaved for a few days, there were probably bags under his bloodshot eyes, there was sure to be some oil smudges on his forehead or cheek or something and he [i]may[/i]have still been a little drunk, or at least hungover, from the night before. Add to that his [i]usual[/i] lack of social skills, and this was gonna be a [i]hell[/i] of a first impression. After what seemed like ages, he made it to the door, and opened it to see... a girl? A [i]pretty[/i] girl too. That was unusual. Pretty much any member of the female gender who wasn't related to him tended to avoid him. Vaguely, he had a tiny inkling that he recognized her somewhere at the back of his mind, so maybe they'd met at some point before. "Hello?" He said, not quite intending for it to come out as a question, but whatever. "Sorry, my memories kinda shit, but do we know each other?" [@Thinslayer]