[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180923/ff208b6943a9dd6927f943f48d306e1b.png[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/44735bc5ff413b489603b74fcb39fb24/tumblr_p8wmjixvHS1ux7mkho3_540.gif[/img] "[color=#C1E1F7]Let it... Oh No...[/color]"[/center] [hr] Khloe had heard all the commotion of the two who tried to help her out, the loud thud of what seemed like someone took a battering ram at the door and tried to open it, but based on Drake saying "[color=f7976a]Hey[/color]" Afterwards, she doubt that it was anything like that. Khloe pushed her head against the door and listened to Drake's plan, it sounded like something she was fine with especially since her hair and her hands were already freaking her out. "[color=#C1E1F7]Whatever works! I'll freeze the building if that happens- I mean, like not the building but- Argh! You get what I mean, I'll handle the fire if it get's too much![/color]" Khloe replied loud enough so they could hear. It was really beginning to look like Frozen there, all Khloe needs to do is punch some asshole prince off a boat.