[@EchoicChamber][@CommisarJhon] Nick was taken aback for a moment, realizing that he'd [i]definitely[/i] made a less than optimal first impression on the woman. However, he only let his surprise show for a moment before recovering, stepping back on to solid ground and getting closer. As he walked, he made himself look calm, letting out a small chuckle. "Yeah, because if there's anyone who people think of when they think 'throat slicing murderer', it's me!" He laughed, before taking a closer look at the woman's face. And then, after a few moments of intense study, he jumped back, pointing at her with a shocked expression on his face. "AH! It's you! You're the scary mercenary lady with the teeth and stuff!" He shouted, before a grin took over his face. "I haven't seen you in [i]ages![/i] Nice to see you're still alive!" He watched as she spoke to the blur. "Oh yeah that's... I never actually got a name, so I'm gonna go with Blitz!" He gestured from Blitz to the woman, deciding he might as well try to perform the introductions. "Blitz, Teeth. Don't piss her off, 'cause she'll rip you in half." Much like she had before, he said that in a way that made it sound like a joke, rather than something he'd actually witnessed happen. However, he paused when she asked why they were there, before hopping back over to Blitz and whispering to him. "Yeah, 's actually a pretty good question. Why're we here again?"